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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

Cryptocurrency Evolved, Temtum was born.

A cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses strong cryptography to secure financial transactions, control the creation of additional units, and verify the transfer of assets. Cryptocurrencies use decentralized control as opposed to centralized digital currency and central banking systems.

Their vision
It offers amazing opportunities that have hardly been addressed so far. For cryptocurrencies to thrive, the blockchain must now take the next step in its evolution. And here comes friend into play. Temtum can help to ensure truly distributed, decentralized and democratic future for financial transactions. It is a future that doesn't destroy the environment. A future for all, wherever they live in the world, where are the benefits of cryptocurrencies are available and accessible to all. We have not only seen this positive future, we have designed, built, tested and found the technology to be the most effective replacement medium.

Ultra lightweight, super fast, quantum secure decentralised network, redefining the boundaries of blockchain and cryptocurrencies to empower financial freedom - temtum (TEM)

Speed. Scalability. Low Resource. Security.

What is temtum?
temtum is a new, lightweight, peer-to-peer cryptocurrency where anyone can support the Temporal Blockchain network, creating a new world of financial freedom away from centralised institutions.


What are the advantages of temtum?

  • Low Energy: A unique consensus algorithm that does not require high end computing hardware to confirm transactions makes Temporal a greener blockchain solution.
  • Block Data: Data is not required by nodes to be stored locally forever on machines, making Temporal highly efficient and extremely lightweight.
  • Feeless: Zero embedded transaction costs on the network, making temtum a powerful cryptocurrency for high volume trades and transactions.
  • Instant: With block confirmation taking just 12 seconds, 5 blocks per minute, TEM transactions are near instant no matter the amount being sent.


We've spent the past 5 years researching Blockchain and boast the only Blockchain PhD as part of our founding team. This research led to the development of the superior Temporal Blockchain, compared below to what is currently considered the leading technology in the industry.

5 Academic years of research

12 Published research papers

3 World renowned cryptography experts

Send, receive and manage your TEM funds, safely and securely.
Bank-grade security and next gen account protection. Encrypted SSL connection over HTTPS, 2-factor authentication, Smart-Auth protection and trusted IPs.

Over the past 5 years, the Temporal Blockchain has been researched and developed to the point we now have a working product that’s an evolution of the entire Blockchain technology. Our road map goes back in time, whilst outlining the future for temtum.

It’s Cryptocurrency.Evolved.

Team & Advisors
One of the strongest teams in the Blockchain industry, temtum is developed by Dragon Infosec on top of their Temporal Blockchain. Dragon is made up of published cybersecurity and cryptography experts, with a wealth of experience in not only blockchain but corporate business at board level in FTSE 250 companies.


Website : https://temtum.com/

Whitepaper : https://temtum.com/downloads/temtum-whitepaper.pdf

Telegram : https://t.me/temtumcommunity

Twitter : https://twitter.com/wearetemtum

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/wearetemtum

Discord : https://discord.gg/hs3v4g4

Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/temtum

Medium : https://medium.com/temtum

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/temtum/

Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxEJq-piVp83Cm3yAOtQgkg

Github : https://github.com/temtum


BTT USERNAME: whtchocla7e

BTT Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=455601

ETH Wallet: 0x5982b57302447dC2326918BdD5d380568a32A4d2

0.592 GOLOS
На Golos с July 2019
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