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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

Blockchain - Application in business.

  Crypto-indstry and blockchain technology have revolutionized the entire technology of the IT industry and its potential has not yet been exhausted.
  Blockchain technology has completely changed the way information is stored, transmitted, collected and analyzed. And it showed its performance. Blockchain is also able to help with environmental issues. Don't you believe it?

I'll give you an example that can convince you of this.

  Storage of information in specialized data centers is a huge release of heat energy into the environment, a huge consumption of electricity, a huge number of kilometers of wires and all for the sake of storage of often unclaimed and outdated Information.
  Blockchain will significantly reduce paper consumption and reduce deforestation accordingly. If only blockchain touches the most responsible sector of any company - it's accounting.
  For all its reliability and applications, the technology Blockchain has not yet touched the most important sphere of any large company and corporation - accounting. In accounting in 95% of cases everything does as 10-15 years. Paper bills, Excel tables, reconciliations between customer-company, inventory - all done manually. And if the computer breaks down, the server stops working, important contracts and accounts will be lost?
  And if it is a company with many branches all over the country, with dozens of warehouses, suppliers, customers. Maybe they should be connected to a single accounting system, which can completely improve their work and increase the profits from their transactions?

  • For the owners of the company. Full on-line mode of viewing the movement of goods to the final buyer, learn the ratio of demand depending on the location of the branch, cash flow, product balance, calculation of the bonus part depending on the number of sales.
  • For the branch. Automatic inventory, no need to make applications for products - the head office itself sees what product is in surplus, which is not enough, automatic invoice, daily acts-reconciliation, automatic billing final Buyer.
  • For the manufacturer. The opportunity to see how much goods came to the final buyer, learn popular positions in a particular region, get information about sales - and adjust their production capacity, which region will need to send the goods week/month.

And all this can be built on the blockchain system.

What it takes to have:
  • A reliable and simple Blockchain eco-system.
  • The presence of many nodes of the blockchain chain (members of the chain).
  • Low commissions for transactions.
  • High processing speed.

  A successful Blockchain Platform that is created to integrate it into the business processes of companies can fully meet these requests and it is EDC Blockchain.

EDC Blockchain is a global platform with its own cryptocurrency, providing ready-made blockchain - solutions for business.

Benefits of this Blockchain system:

  • Trading on world markets. EdC cryptocurrency is represented on Bit-z, DigiFinex, Idax, Yobit and other major exchanges.
  • A huge number of network members. Mining based on the LPoS algorithm attracts many participants for mining. It does not consume the energy of the computer, as the master node remotely extracts cryptocurrency. The user makes a profit from his EDC Wallet.
  • Bitshares 2.0 protocol. When working on this protocol, the end user can make quick transactions, have low commissions while doing high performance of the network itself.
EDC provides interested companies with:

  • Full control over cryptocurrency: issuing, managing, storing and trading, and creating your own cryptocurrency under the company's requirements.
  • Multi-currency wallet. A convenient way to manage your assets safely.
  • Package solutions for creating blockchain-based digital currency that are used to “tokenization” of business, attract investment, pay for goods and services, and payment programs.
  • Marketing and advertising support for Start-Up Projects, Promotion of the Project in the media, partners and various advertising channels. Creating content and promoting it.
  • Development of blockchain projects. Development and implementation of Smart contracts for any company requirements.

EDC Blockchain F.A.Q.

  Many people can say that if you pay for each accounting operation - then for a month will be a significant amount. But! Each time printing a erroneous report, the accountant throws money, making a call to clarify the status of the account - a person spends money and time and there are a huge variety of such examples, not to mention the contents of a large staff accounting department. And are the extra $200-300 worth of full control over the company? I don't think so.

Click on the links and you'll learn more about the possibilities of using EDC Blockchain in your business.

Web: https://blockchain.mn/

Telegram: https://t.me/EDCBlockchain

Twitter: https://twitter.com/EDCBlockchain

Wallet Web: https://wallet.blockchain.mn/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EDCBlockchain/

Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/SERO_Official

Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/3AZVMRU

Medium: https://medium.com/@SERO.CASH

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/EDC.Blockchain/

Bitcointalk name: rafaelyarulin

Bitcointalk Profile


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