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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


Greetings readers today I want to look at the importance and the main feature of the EMPIREHOTELS app

Less expensive booking fee,
Utilizing digital currency for lodging appointments can radically diminish the exchange expenses and guideline out universal installment charges and money change charges. By embracing this methodology, it is workable for the inn to expand its net revenues while offering to the clients the chance to book an inn at an a lot less expensive cost.

Secure and dependable

By utilizing blockchain to process exchanges, straightforwardness and security are protected like never before. Unapproved gatherings won't most likely access private client information. Each exchange will have an ID related with the client whenever required. All non-touchy information traded amid the booking procedure will be scrambled and spared in the exchange subtleties, ensuring both client and lodging against misrepresentation.

Precise Reservation

Blockchain is a non-brought together answer for the twofold reserving issue, an exemplary issue that couldn't be explained without a believed element intervening the exchange. The appointments are executed as crypto exchanges in Empire Hotels stage and before affirmation, the timetable for the room is checked on blockchain and this for all intents and purposes takes out the likelihood of twofold reserving.


Individual top is 0.01ETH — boundless

Reward framework accessible for early financial specialists

New token emanations are crippled

Whitelist Available

KYC required

USA, Iran and North Korea are not permitted to take an interest

Max coin supply - 900 Million Tokens

1 EMPC = 0.000036672 ETH = 0.0000011616 BTC

Convention ERC20

Exchange: LATOKEN

Other eminent highlights of the stage include:

Really enabling inns.

Despite the fact that there are no expenses for the enrollment, a little charge — the littlest available — is added to every exchange so as to make the stage feasible. Reasonable charges for proprietors; lower costs for clients.

Reforming the Hospitality Industry

Our engineers dealt with each and every progression amid the application advancement process. We need to give the best involvement to our clients.

The Empire Cash (EPMC) is a token created by Empire Hotels to finish installments for administrations and circulate endowments.


First Draft Idea – November 2017

The principal thought for applications and stages was structured. In spite of the fact that this thought has changed after some time, in November 2017 we originally talked about the improvement of this undertaking.

Shrewd Contract Design – March 2018

Shrewd contract improvement and evaluating are essential stages in the ICO procedure. Amid this stage, crypto-financial aspects, numbers, and stock are characterized.

Whitepaper Development – March 2018

Whitepaper clarifies the innovation and highlights of our application and stage, just as designs for what's to come.

Site Development + Dashboard – June 2018

The site and dashboard wallet was created utilizing the most present day innovation, and was over and again tried on various gadgets.

ICO Phase – Commenes in January 2019

The ICO stage will start in January 2019 and will be isolated into three sections: Pre-ICO (pre-deals), Phase 1, and Phase 2.

Dispatch of Applications for Android and iOS – April 2019

The main variant of the application won't be beta; it will be completely operational. This variant will enact all highlights from the very beginning and will be refreshed every once in a while.

Dispatch of EMPIRECASH Payment – July 2019

This element, booked for July 2019, will give a device to clients to pay by means of contactless utilizing their cellphones, while drawing in from accessible EmpireCash coins.

Behind this venture is an incredible group with huge involvement in the business. For more data about this venture, benevolently pursue the connections underneath;

WEBSITE https://www.empirehotels.io/
WHITEPAPER https://www.empirehotels.io/docs/en/whitepaper-en.pdf
TELEGRAM https://t.me/empirecash

0.026 GOLOS
На Golos с February 2019
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