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5 лет назад

Global Property Register - Decentralized Ecosystems that Provide the World's First Global Blockchain

Hello everyone, this new post I want to introduce about a very interesting and good project that is GPR, and for more details, let's just go to the following discussion:

About Global Property Register

Global Property Register is a decentralized ecosystem that provides the first global blockchain world. We leverage blockchain technology to make asset registration easier for mankind, especially in developing countries. Global asset registrations (GPR) are the first global real estate registrations that will have a nature all over the world, including developed and developing countries. It will provide evidence of ownership for more than 4.5 billion people (worth $ 20 million) worldwide that are not currently covered by insurance and therefore cut off from the financial and real estate markets. It will also provide a global asset exchange. This platform will serve as an international digital real estate market for all market participants.

Benefits of The project

Real estate is notably one of the most stable form of investment and it involves a little amount of risk as an investment mechanism. The global total value of developed real estate is over 228 trillion USD, which is higher than the total global traded equities and securitized debt instruments put together and in the year 2016, its global transactions volumes reached about 661 billion USD.

By maintaining an immutable record of property ownership, encumbrance and conveyance, blockchain can provide a certainty of information that allows for a greater level of trust and transparency. It can allow each piece of property to have its own digital address where all information relating to the property may be stored.

This would include financial information, leases, taxes, bills, liens, easements, building performance, physical characteristics and the transaction history relating to the property, potentially eliminating the need for expensive in-depth title searches.

Crucially, all property level information can be encrypted in such a way that only those with permission by the property owner (or agent lender, in the case of a mortgage loan transfer) can be allowed access.

Prevention of Fraud - All transactions that occur on the on a blockchain platform will be cryptographically signed and auditable. The use of timestamps with consensus mechanism on the blockchain has the ability to prevent double booking/selling of the same property unit, which is a common problem when a property is being listed by diferent brokers.

Details about Token

Similar to some other blockchain projects, they also provide the code for their project, XRX token. Tokens provide access to the ecosystem of GPR solutions and will be traded once listed on the exchanges.

Distribution token And Fund Allocation


Their route starts from November 2016 (brings together the team to plan). Then built and expanded step by step until 2021 will expand to global scale. Specifically about the roadmap see the picture below:

  • Nov 2016: Global Property Register team and concept established
  • Dec 2016 - May 2017: Proof of concept development.
  • Dec 2017: Business Model & Whitepaper development
  • June 2018: Work commenced on the development of MVP
  • Oct 2018: Completion of MVP
  • Nov 2018: Pre-ICO
  • Feb 2019: The global roadshow for marketing
  • June 2019: ICO
  • Oct 2019: USA , UK , Nigeria
  • Oct 2020: Brazil, India , South Africa , Pakistan

XRX Group Managment
The XRX Team combines a passion for blockchain, industry expertise & proven record in finance, development, marketing & licensing

To find more relevant details please follow several sources for the following references:

Website: https://globalpropertyregister.io/
Whitepaper: https://globalpropertyregister.io/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/revised-wp2.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2197740737180635/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GlobalRegister
Medium: https://medium.com/@globalpropertyregister

Bitcointalk Username: samuraijin
Wallet ETH: 0x3f9bb3679f1B71F22d823992078244C87EF4D455

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