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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Arcona will allow us to see in our reality the world of the past — and the world of the future!


Piligrim XXI company has created software that puts computer "picture" on reality. This approach is called augmented reality (AR). Many are familiar with it thanks to the game Pokemon Go.

The user perceives the "new" combined world with a mobile device with a downloaded application. It can be a special glasses, smartphone, or tablet.


The Story Of Arcona

The first "physical" implementation of this idea by Piligrim XXI appeared in 2014. It was created an application for mobile devices, which on the site of a medieval castle in one of the Baltic countries restored its original appearance on the screen. The project was successful.

Now there is a network of eight such historical parks.

Using existing practices, Piligrim XXI decided to create an ecosystem for users and developers that will use augmented reality not only in local areas but also around the world.

So there was a platform Arcona.

Difficulties in creating augmented reality

The Arcona ecosystem is not just an entertainment or business project. It solves the complex problems of applying a virtual layer to the real landscape. It uses a combination of complex technology tracking mobile devices with geographic information systems.

Building 3D models of the earth's surface and linking them to the markers on the ground is not an easy task. To make the image look realistic, you need to know not only the folds of the terrain, but also the lighting of the area at any time of the day and any weather.

Creating a good picture required more than one trip to the object. For small or individual developers, this problem is usually too serious.


Arcona for all participants of the ecosystem

Knowing these problems firsthand, Piligrim XXI has made every effort to create a platform that will allow AR developers to create objects remotely using the available set of visual markers.

Thanks to Arcona, it is possible to place AR objects anywhere on the planet Earth.

As the first objects where the system will be implemented, 10 major cities of the world are taken.


In order to avoid confusion and layering of augmented reality objects on each other, it was decided to create a digital layer of land and sell it to the owners of tokens. Only a member of the ecosystems that have rights on a particular stretch of landscape in the digitized with the help of Arcona, may place himself or give permission to install the digital object.

Digital land or objects on it may be sold, leased, used for advertising, educational and entertainment purposes.

The economy system


The platform's economy is built on smart contracts. Thanks to their use, a transparent and reliable system of financial relations between all participants of Arcona is created. Since internal payments will be used, the transaction fee will be low.

Universal indoor unit of an ecosystem is token Arcona. The purchase of all goods and services both between the participants and when calculating with the platform takes place with its help.

The token complies with the ERC20 standard and is used as an intelligent contract that automatically records all data about the digital land plot, its owner, transfer of ownership and payment transactions in the Ethereum blockchain.

The basis of the Arcona economy is digital land. Later it will be sold on the domestic marketplace, but the initial rights to it can be obtained only during the ICO.

The initial placement of tokens

The pre-sale of tokens has ended. The main part began on 15.04 and will last until 14.07.2018.

One arcona token is estimated at 0.0025 ETH.
As the maximum amount of the fee is $ 25 000 000, the minimum - 2746 ETH.

The investor must purchase at least 10 tokens.

The number of issued tokens will depend on the ICO results, but will not be less than 135 million.



This is an interesting project not only from the point of view of the system's economy, but also from the perspective of the development of an important technological direction - augmented reality.

All additional information about the Arcona project can be obtained from official sources:

WEBSITE: https://www.arcona.io
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/arcona_ico
WHITEPAPER: https://www.arcona.io/doc/arcona_white_paper_en_4.pdf
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/arconaecosystem
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/arconaico
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/arcona
ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2324174.msg23615419#msg23615419
BOUNTY THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4093352
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDGOL0ocSNQJPjYJBKHwi2K7s7emygPFh&disable_polymer=true
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@arconaico
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/arconaico

AUTHOR: klimenok1991
MY BITCOINTALK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1238493

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