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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

PDATA - earn on your personal data!

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Every year around the world, companies need consumer personal data. In order not to fall their competitive ability, they just need to know their client. After all, you will agree that the company that creates its goods directly to the needs of its client has a better chance of success, adjusting to it all its marketing and the entire advertising company.

This business approach has generated a huge demand for consumer data, which in turn has led to data brokering. According to experts, this type of business brings an average of 250 billion dollars a year, and every year this number increases. The most interesting thing is that all these brokers work under the veil of secrecy. Engaged in the theft of personal data, their repackaging and further resale to various companies around the world.

People around the world began to realize the seriousness of the situation and began to actively protect their personal data, relying on their privacy. This, in turn, did not solve all the problems, but rather led to a more rigid and veiled manner of data theft. Therefore, the entire current system is uncontrolled and opaque.

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It is good that the team of specialists came up with a solution to all these problems. They proposed to create a new system that will be completely transparent and safe, providing the market with the following privileges:
1) all companies will receive consumer data directly, without intermediaries;
2) all consumers will be able to get a decent compensation for the provision of their personal data;
3) each consumer will be able to control the process of data transfer, that is, he will know with whom he shares.

And this platform is called Opiria. The most important thing is that Opiria already has an existing resource that just wants to upgrade and improve the quality of services provided. The platform itself Opiria has been used for dozens of years working with brands like Audi, Procter & Gamble, General Motorss, BMW, Nissan, Mercedes and others.

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Opiria helps all of these companies understand their customers, make their customers ' specifications and requirements. Using the web application, customers have the opportunity to communicate directly with customers, receiving feedback from them around the world, working in real time 24/7.

The main goal of the project is to improve the quality of services provided, based on the existing business using the new blockchain technology.

Thus, the Opiria platform and the pData token will create a global decentralized personal data system that will be transparent and safe in operation. Due to this, the platform will allow all consumers to monetize their personal data, after which any company will be able to buy them directly from the consumer, and pay with it USING pData tokens. That is, THE pData token is a kind of currency that allows you to use a smart contract on blockchain and add value to personal data.

Using Blockchain technology, the Opiria platform will create a new secure, transparent and legal relationship between personal data brokerage. Thus, any company will have access to real, reliable and high-quality data, while observing strict data protection rules (GDPR) and their confidentiality.

This figure shows the principle of Interaction of the opiria ecosystem with consumers using pData tokens.

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As you have already understood, THE pData token is useful not only for consumers, but also for companies that want to purchase personal data. For the further development of The opiria ecosystem, the project team plans to raise about $ 30 million for the development of its project with the help of ICO.

Therefore, I consider this concept to be very successful and I suggest that you familiarize yourself with it in more detail. All the necessary information can be found on these links:

Website: https://opiria.io/

Whitepapper: https://opiria.io/static/docs/Opiria-PDATA-Whitepaper.pdf

Telegram group: https://t.me/PDATAtoken

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PDATA_Token

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pdatatoken/

ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3076122.0

Bitcointalk Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3081090.0

My bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1238493

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