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5 лет назад

DABANKING- A platform for gaming


DA banking is known as the decentralized platform for Gaming.

Bitcoin, a form of cryptocurrency was introduced in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamota in order to change the way of making payments and trading goods through a new form of currency. Bitcoin is known to offer various advantages like freedom, security and a new level of control by the users through this platform transparent to all. Blockchain technology enables all the benefits of bitcoin.

The technology of Blockchain is known in creating a network in the form of decentralized platform on the basis of protocol networks between peers by differentiating with the centralized platform which is conventional by allowing every computer becoming a server in that particular network. For more details on DA banking visit the website https://dabanking.io/.

ETH (Ethereum platform) was developed in the year 2013 by a Russian developer - Vitalik Buterin marked a breakthrough for its development in the technology of blockchain. By integrating Smart Contract with the current protocol of Blockchain known as Block chain 2.0 or utility Block chain, Vitalik has succeeded in offering a whole new level to the Block chain technology.

Block chain technology had resonated in the last days of 2017 with developers of software and also with government, banking organizations, financial funds, and every one belonging to social class attracting several hundred billion dollars by creating a financial market fertile enough for promoting successive Block chain technology projects.

Utility Block chain projects that are quite successful are Tron, EOS, STEEM etc about to reach their completion stage in the open of era of Dapps – Decentralized applications.
A decentralized application which run on peer-to peer networks of Utility Block chain are Dapps which allow the developers in expanding in various areas like finance, entertainment, gaming, real estate, insurance and healthcare.

2019 is known for its strong growth of Dapps due to its increased number of projects day by day with the parallel increase in quality, finance and time for building a user community huge enough along with Dapps great values.

Dapps potential

Dapps in 2019 is becoming well known to everyone on a daily basis due to its increased advantages in traditional applications on the basis of users crowding the existing decentralized platforms of Block chain technology.

Due to its transparency, stability and high security, maximum privileges is made available to the users by Dapps. DABANKING was developed to create an environment for building Dapps with the services of entertainment along with transparency, fairness and experience of user at an optimal level.

Potential of Blockchain Market of Gaming

A rapid and strong growth are seen recently in the gaming industry which in turn generates revenue of $105 billion dollars each year. Many fraudulent have happened due to the individual’s inability in proving his existence and assets in this industry which is one common problem. The block chain technology brings unique tokens to the gaming industry which is one important contribution made. Each token represents a virtual asset type which can be purchased or sold in these decentralized platforms.
The features of games developed with the help of Block chain technology are:
• Tracking and authentication of the ownership’s digital asset type
• Reduction of costs on third parties
• Payment system secured on the basis of block chain
• Increase of competition among the traditional games by integrating games into the block chain
• Easier exchange of digital assets with higher liquidity

A new level is brought to the gaming industry by the Block chain technology. The team of DABanking helps in focusing on building an ecosystem for games thereby exploiting the entertainment market and providing the best service.

Conditions to join DABANKING

• Install Metamask wallet on computer or TrustWallet on phone
• ETH made available on Metamask or TrustWallet
• For experiencing great services of DABANKING, visit our website Dabanking.io
Token DAB mining is made available to the public very soon.

Fomojackpot and Fomogame

Fomojackpot andm Fomogame are Dapps products of DAbanking helping participants to increase the income in addition to the entertainment offered by them.

Fomogame helps in promoting fairness and transparency to experience great entertainment for the users. Fomojackpot helps the player in winning 0.002 ETH for a ticket. By joining Fomojacket, winning rewards upto thousands of ETH at a low cost is possible.

The two systems - DAB mining token system and Fomo game are two separate systems where the user needs to register independently to use them.

Time for each round

Green watch: 48 hours countdown, with each new ticket, added when the time is below 24 hours for every 30 seconds not exceeding 24 hours.

Gold watch 48 hours countdown, the start of the watch is when current ETH prize is high than the round previous to it. The first round is called the zero round. The gold watch starts when the prize pool has a total of 300 ETH at the zero round.

Purchase of ticket

0.002 ETH is the starting price of each ticket and increases with the beginning of Gold clock.
Ticket fare = 0.002 + 0.002 * (50-N) *4%
• If N = 0 , the ticket price is 0.006 ETH
• Buy 1 ticket with the award of 2 more tickets when the Gold Watch starts

Prize distribution

The allocation of Purchased ETH ticket is:
50% - Award
20% - Income instantly
17% - Income which is a referral
10% - Dividends
3% - Development of new product


The prize pool will be allocated with 50% of ETH sales and the break up is given as:
50% - Diamond chest
20% - Ruby chest
5% Gold chest
4% Silver chest
1% Drawer Prize
20% Next round

Diamond chest
• The 1st prize is the remainder by taking prizes of a number of jackpots and adding 10%, followed by division of the total number of purchased tickets when the clock reaches 0
• Second prize is remainder of 1st main seed number and adding 10% followed by division of X
• Third prize is remainder of 2nd main seed number and adding 10% followed by division of X
• Fourth prize is remainder of 3rd main seed number and adding 10% followed by division of X
• Fifth prize is remainder of 4th main seed number and adding 10% followed by division of X

The allocation of ETH amount to 5 winners with 50% to the first winner and remaining 50% to the 5 winners each 10%.

Ruby chest
• The ticket buyer who comes last before the clock turns 0 is the KING of KEY and is eligible for Ruby chest reward
• The winner is counted on the successful verification of transaction time

Gold chest
• The most tickets bought before the two watches turn 0 is awarded the Master key prize

Silver chest
• Sale of total tickets from the F1 which is largest is awarded to the person with an ultimate award in this chest

Drawer Prize
• Draw now appears 5 times every 5 minutes after the confirmation of the previous Draw now

Next round
• ETH prize of 20% is transferred to the next round automatically

Token distribution of DAA

60 % distribution for Miners
20% distribution for development of product
10% distribution for Marketing
10% distribution to the Partner


The types of income are:
• Instant income
• Referral income
• Winning income
• Dividend income
• Gaming income


The aim of DA banking is to develop a long term entertainment service through this decentralized platform by giving the user the power. Many strategies have been developed by the development team of DA for allowing the users to experience their services.

Phase 1:
Q4 / 2018 - Q1 2019: Development team built, a detailed plan was prepared and the foundation of technology was also prepared
Q2 – 2019: Official introduction of games on DApp and starting of DAB token community development
Q3 – 2019: DAA Token and DAB Token listing on exchanges that are free and integration of new games
Q4 – 2019: Opening of SWAP port for users from DAA to DAB tokens. Addition of New Dapp Game

Phase 2:
On reaching 3 million users by the community, the official announcement of own Block chain is done by DA banking and will conduct DAB token swapping to new DABANKING Block chain.

Technical certification
The community can check all the DABANKING’s technical logic on the basis of Open smart contract thereby making it available to everyone.
The smart contract can check the stored database of the entire community.
The random generation of results on the basis of difficult numbering in the Ethereum blockchain and numerous timelines with results generated for creation of 64-bit hash code. The prediction or intervention of code is entirely impossible because of the immutability of storage of code on block chain.

The DABANKING DApp is transparent 100% leading to a society of development with transparency.

The distribution of DAB token by DABANKING inspired by the theory of perpetual motion for building strategies in the development of future applications of games. DABANKING aims at the creation of the best community by focusing on the development of the project all the time. The development team believes in a community's attraction inspiring participation during slow down or the start.

Contact & Support
For more details about DABANKING or any questions, suggestions or feedback, kindly contact business@dabanking.io through email.


Website: https://dabanking.io/
Whitepaper: https://dabanking.io/static/whitepaper.pdf
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5146671.new#new
Bounty Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5146696.msg51193279#msg51193279

Social media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dabanking.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dabanking_io
Medium: https://medium.com/@dabanking.io
Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/uqfMjYV
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQbGkMKlxM7JdBY89S9UcIA
Telegram: https://t.me/DABANKINGOFFICIAL

K.Siva Arulmani
Bitcointalk Username: Rachchi
Bitcointalk profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2297077

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