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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


Blockchain technology allows more trust, ensure security, improved traceability of transactions, have more efficiency and fast. Cryptocurrency transactions, are generally based on blockchain technology, the blockchain technology now affects global economy and business transactions. These allow instant, secure, anonymous and peer-peer payments all over the world and helps to prevent corruption and money laundering.

Since the Inception of cryptocurrency, blockchain and the bitcoin technology, there has been different platform and trading opportunities, we also know that the bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, a sort of electronic cash.

The essence of blockchain and cryptocurrency is to distribute decision-making powers from central authorities as well as big powerhouses by decentralization of these bodies.

2019 marked 10years since introduction of Bitcoin—the first ever peer-to-peer, decentralized cryptocurrency as well as the first used case of Blockchain, was unveiled. technically, Blockchain solved the decades-long double spending issues faced that had stopped cryptocurrencies from being created and deployed. Many people, doubted its potentials when it was initially lunched.

In most recent, there is a debate as to whether virtual currencies will go mainstream or not. but this has been on a high growth rates, financial analysts, Blockchain experts and enthutiast estimate the number of Bitcoin users to skyrocket to over 200 million by 2024. growth level of user, there absolutely no doubt that cryptocurrencies are fully ready to penetrate the traditional markets, as a vast majority of consumers, investors, and governments, consumers are already using them.
Despite these remarkable statistics, it is worth agreeing to that cryptocurrency markets have a fundamental distinction when compared to traditional marketplaces.

Its interesting to know that the basic features of cryptocurrency is that it can’t be controlled by any middlemen or authorities. block chain makes digital identity and record keeping better and so people can create an encrypted digital hub where they can store their personal digital information, being completely in control and giving or revoking access to it.

Blockchain can be used as a tool in supply chain management the working relationship between a business and suppliers of such business, tagged products can be assigned with individual and unique identities, then put onto a transparent and immutable blockchain making it easier to track. the essence of blockhain technology helps with Possible disputes concerning the origin of an innovation, could easily be resolved by referring to a tamper‐prove blockchain that could serve as a timestamp of the idea's exact recording.

In the most recent use of blockchain technology fundraising and coin offers for basic start ups have yielded so well and positively, it has already made its mark on fundraising activity, by bringing up an entirely new ecosystem for startups to raise the funds they may need to bring their innovations to life.

Furthermore, because of the use tamper proof characteristics of the blockchain and how difficult it is to be hacked, it is used for voting, can eliminate concerns of voter fraud by providing a clear record of votes.

The CPR Token

Dappstats was created for a sustainable approach to dividends : crypto paradize project wanted to make a platform which will provide dividends to the token holders while they continue to enjoy the Dapps they play. After a lot of brain storming we discovered a huge gap which was not benefiting the community instead only the Website owners. This is why we decided to create DappStats, a Dapp listing platform where you make an investment once in the token and continue to be rewarded in dividends on a weekly bases.

Crypto Paradise will be an Ecosystem of multiple projects, starting with DappStats, A Dapp tracking site that will share the revenue it generates with the token holders thus creating a sustainable dividend system.

CPR token will be an Exclusive token for the Crypto Paradise Ecosystem, which will give token holders a 1:1 Airdrop for DappStats tokens and all future projects.

**crypto paradise identified certain level of problems faced by the everyday developers of platforms **

  1. Developers aren’t focused on the community and they don’t intend on making a sustainable project.

  2. When new Dapps are launched the average life is about 2-4 weeks before people lose interest and move on to another new Dapp.

  3. One of the biggest reasons projects fail is lack of communication from the team.

**Solution provided includes the following **

  1. Our first project, DappStats will change the Dapp space completely by providing a sustainable dividend system.

  2. Since we will be providing up to dateinformation on new dapps on DappStats, the excitement for people will always be there.

  3. We currently have one of the most active telegram group, where the team continues to answer questions and give updates daily.


Token Details Airdrop 1:1 Airdrop of future tokens

Soft Cap 4 Million Tokens

Total Supply 10 Million

Tokens Distributed Instant

CPR Token Sale June 7th onwards 0.25 TRX per token
DappStats token August 1 TRX per Token

Website : https://www.cpreward.com/
White paper : https://www.cpreward.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/whitepaper.pdf
Bitcoin talk : sobaint01
trc Tron wallet : TRCGBVKi6pyhikU33fmKr5c1tXbRRGj4FE
eth : 0xd1E7Ff1cf68b9935C7e1aF2a3936bB5e487B0FF6

0.230 GOLOS
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