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5 лет назад

WebSpaceX: High Technology for Data Processing and Analysis Based on Artificial Intelligence

Hello everyone here, as I always do I welcome you guys once again to my little world that I always used to share my views about blockchain projects and startups. In this post, the project that I will be sharing with you guys is Webspace X and I will try all my possible best to summarily share what you guys ought to know about this project. There's no time to waste, let's ride on.

Since Cryptocurrency came to the existence of in 2009 until today. Since it has been very volatile in nature. Have a lot of people who have started to know and understand about the need invested. Cryptocurrency is a decentralized, anonymous and electronically. The world crypto lovers very happy to be know’s and assume that it’s the right way to investment in the future .. even they called as money in the future.

What is WebSpaceX?
WebSpaceX is high technology for data processing and analysis based on artificial intelligence.The WebSpaceX team analyzes your data in all browsers and builds a system based on AI technology.

Advantages of WebSpaceX
We find that there are many advantages to looking for this project which makes me sure that this project can be successful in the future, that is including :

WebSpaceX uses a decentralized platform to facilitate its operation, using a decentralized system of course we will be able to more easily do data processing and also will be faster, more efficient and get very optimal results, with this we will certainly get more insight into marketing and easier achieve our goals.

Based on Blockchain
As many people know, this new technology that is known as Blockchain will make this project run very smoothly and Better.

Solution provided by the WebSpaceX
We as users, will certainly ask what solutions will be provided by this platform, so let's look at the solutions provided by WebSpaceX one by one.

Payment in Crypto
With the existence of this system, everything in payment will certainly be easier, faster and more efficient and certainly not interrupted by the banking system

Full Transparency
WebSpaceX works very transparently because it uses a smart contract-based cryptocurrency system where we can see all activities such as payments, receipts, etc.

Solution For Fraud
WebSpaceX is very concerned about the security of user data so this project uses fraud prevention technology based on number of different levels.

Wallets of WebSpaceX
This project also presents a blockchain-based wallet where we can easily make payments for payments using the crypto system only on our Phone or PC.

Components of WebSpaceX
This project's component that I will describe is as follows:
1.Plan, each project has a plan before starting to the next stage this plan is very important because without a mature plan, a project will not work properly.
2.Data collection, at this stage all data is collected from various browsers as I mentioned above
Processing data, at this stage all data will be processed by utilizing artificial intelligence features and classified according to their respective criteria.
3.Configuration, this is the stage of compiling all data that has been processed and will continue with the next process phase
4.Reporting, at this stage the data obtained and arranged in such a way will be reported based on artificial intelligence.

Team of WebSpaceX
This project was developed by a team that is very experienced in the related field and therefore this team has a very important role to play in the progress of this project, I have seen several profile from the official site of WebSpaceX and I see all of the team members have had very long experience and even some decades in a related field.

Set GAS: 60.000
Bonus System: Yes
Whitelist: No
Presale or Private Sale: No
Know Your Customer (KYC): No
Min/Max Personal Cap: 0.1 ETH / No limit
1 st Round Of Ico / Start 1 January – İco end 15 January ( 1 Ethereum 312.500 WSPX %30 bonus TOTAL 406.250 WSPX )
2 st Round Of Ico / Start 16 January – İco end 30 January ( 1 Ethereum 312.500 WSPX %20 bonus TOTAL 375.000 WSPX )
3 st Round Of Ico / Start 1 February – İco end 15 February ( 1 Ethereum 312.500 WSPX %10 bonus TOTAL 343.750 WSPX )
1 st Round Of Ico Start
1 January 2019

Number of tokens for sale WSPX

Acceptable Currencies

About Token
Sales Supply ( 6 billion) Bounty Supply ( 2 billion) Team Supply ( 1 billion) Total Supply ( 9 billion)



2015 March
Webmaster Tools, Seo service, the establishment of WebSpaceX technology to provide Marketing platform service

2016 Q1-Q3 Team building
Finance, development, marketing and data analysis.

2017 Q1
Starting to work on analytical tools to work on a single platform

2017 Q3
Integration of analytical tools to connect to websites and improve these processes

2017 Q4
Inclusion of API data support for to follow analystic tools

2018 Q1
Development of WebSpaceX smart contract prototypes for storing analytical information

2018 Q2
Development of AI Architecture

2018 Q2
Starting Android, iOS, Web platform testing

2018 Q3
Starting work to integrate freelance platform into WebSpaceX platforms

2018 Q3
Development of multifunctional smart contracts

2018 Q4
Development of Investor’s Cabinet for conducting of ICO

2019 Q1
Conducting ICO

2019 Q1
Listing in market exchanges

2019 Q2
Official launch of the platform

2019 Q2
Andorid Beta Release Launch

2019 May
Andorid Full Release Launch

2019 June
IOS Beta Release Launch

2019 July
IOS Full Release Launch

2019 July
Freelancer Beta Release Launch

2019 August
WEB Platform Integration

2019 August
WebSpaceX Payment System Integration

2019 September
WSPX Token Wallet Integration

2019 Q4
Integration with Webmaster plaforms

2020 Q1
Marketing of Asian, European market use rights

2020 Q2
Doge Coin , Ethereum, Lite Coin wallet Integration

2020 Q2
Developing add-on integration with WordPress, OpenCart, Magento

2020 Q3
Distribution of profit share across the platform to users involved in the WebSpaceX Ecosystem


For more information Visit:
Website : https://webspacex.io/
WhitePaper: https://webspacex.io/docs/Webspacex-Whitepaper-English.pdf
Telegram: http://t.me/webspacex
Twitter: https://twitter.com/webspacex
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/webspacex
Medium: https://medium.com/@webspacex.io
GitHub: https://github.com/webspacex




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