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5 лет назад

Zipcoin, Revolutionizing Of Digital Currency Trading And Remitting Space

What is ZIPCOIN?

ZipCoin Exchange is another blockchain stage dependent on EOS, which is reasonable for clients of various dimensions and enables moves to anyplace on the planet, however has particular favorable circumstances over existing ones. Crypto aficionados most likely recollect what charges were when exchanging Bitcoin, when it developed quickly, it could be 15-20 dollars. ZipCoin dispenses with this defect and offers insignificant expenses, the client stays in complete security.

ZIPCOIN is a half and half of conventional settlement arrangement; EOS blockchain based decentralized settlement and installment arrangement which will improve organizations and people in the $104B dispatch industry. ZIPCO token alters the high cost in the settlement business with the production of its Peer to Peer (P2P) controlled transmit and installment framework to give the least, most secure, most secure, quick and dependable answer for the developing markets of Africa and past.

In accordance with innovative improvements in our reality, there are progressive advancements in each field and division. Presently, every business and exchange has been exchanged to an advanced situation and any data that is hard to reach with only a single tick. On account of the web, our correspondence openings have expanded and geological limits have been surpassed in every area and each division. With mechanical perfection, creation has turned out to be progressively effective and productive, organizations have focused to carry their activities to each side of the world. Particularly, new leaps forward have started in the monetary area. In light of the speed, straightforwardness, economy and centrality of the square chain and its truly solid nature, our exchanges should be possible all the more effectively.


We will probably make the same number of chances to the developing markets of Africa, give low charges, budgetary education and attention to mass appropriation to blockchain innovation. ZIPCOIN will use its stage and assets in a manner that limits waste and amplifies an incentive to improve each existence of every individual.

With Integrated Financial Services, he will have a money related record that can be utilized to store advanced and fiat cash resources for clients and organizations.

With the Advanced Security System, ZipCoin will utilize industry best practices as far as safety efforts, and this stage is intended to incorporate the largest amount of customer assets and security highlights to shield programmers from interruption endeavors in trade. Some significant security highlights are; Cold Wallet Management is a protected virus store with Cryptocurrency Security Standard (CCSS), outsider security way code checking, online hot wallet protection, and 3-Factor Authentication.



Our mаіn gоаl is tо рrоvіdе rеmіttаnсе іn thе rising mаrkеtѕ оf Afrіса аnd bеуоnd bу рrоvіdіng:

• lоw rеmіttаnсе fееѕ

• Mіd-mаrkеt rаtе fоr fоrеіgn trade

• Sеrvе the under рrіvіlеgеd mаrkеtѕ

• Easy, ѕіmрlе, ѕесurе, fаѕt rеmіt arrangements uѕіng сuttіng еdgе EOS blockchain, SWIFT, mоbіlе аnd wеb installment tесhnоlоgіеѕ

  1. Pееr tо Pееr exchanges
  1. Cоmmunіtу drіvеn есоѕуѕtеm
  1. Crеаtе employments fоr уоuthѕ in еvеrу mаrkеt wе dispatch
  1. Eduсаtіоn аnd аwаrеnеѕѕ utilizing іnnоvаtіvе innovations іn thе rеmіttаnсе space.


Presently, like never before, the point of budgetary exchanges is the most significant in all sides of our planet. We are so tired of these old, obsolete monetary foundations that we have since quite a while ago required new, increasingly present day arrangements. What's more, honestly, I am exceptionally happy that such a choice has showed up. Obviously, I mean the electrifying present day innovation of the blockchain, which can profoundly change the whole spoiled money related framework, which so effectively draws us into the mess. In any case, because of the way that the framework itself is still very youthful and totally obscure to the expansive social masses, it turns into somewhat out of reach. And all since individuals just don't completely see every one of the standards of their work, they can't help suspecting that this is extremely troublesome, troublesome and awkward.

However, every one of these generalizations are framed distinctly based on low budgetary proficiency of the populace and the nonattendance of any craving to gain some new useful knowledge. Since this suggests a specific way out of the safe place, which normally blocks the general advancement of the entire business and its mass acknowledgment in s Banned from installment suppliers

=> High charges

=> No assurances

=> No secrecy

=> Lack of Peer-to-Peer dispatching

=> Market illiquidity and unpredictability

=> Inadequate data

=> Insecurity of crypto exchanging

=> Lack of Peer-to-Peer exchanging

=> Poor client backing and security

=> Lack of comprehensiveness and nearness in the public arena.


The Solution

ZipCoin offers full responsibility for to clients: (Digital monetary forms are autonomous of any outsider), low expenses: (The installment suppliers who do permit represents dispatch, ICO and blockchain industry related organizations and people charge high charges, since rivalry is nearly non-existent). This quickly implies organizations make more benefits while buyers spend less and Security: (The foundation which supports the blockchain innovation conveys a colossal preferred position over the financial area of any industry.



Token Name: ZIPCO

Currencies Accepted: BTC, ETH, EOS, USD

Soft Cap: 3M USD

Token Type: EOS

Total Tokens to be Sell: 275,000,000

Hard Cap: 7M USD

Total Supply: 500,000,000

Public Round Bonus: 15%

Private Round Bonus: 25%

Price: 1 ZIPCO = 0.05 USD

Unsold Round Bonus: All Burned

Tо knоw mоrе аbоut ZIPCOIN рrоjесt check the lіnkѕ bеlоw

Wеbѕіtе: httрѕ://zірсx.іо/

Whitepaper: httрѕ://zірсx.іо/whіtе_рареr/zірсоіn_whіtерареr.рdf

Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/HbUtCAuidnSRqGPoHCBmnA

Twіttеr: httрѕ://twіttеr.соm/ZIPCOINеxсhаngе

Inѕtаgrаm: httрѕ://www.іnѕtаgrаm.соm/ZIPCOINеxсhаngе/

Facebook: httрѕ://www.fасеbооk.соm/ZIPCOIN-Exсhаngе-2205861812988417/

Lіnkеdln: https://www.facebook.com/ZIPCOIN-Exchange-2205861812988417/

Rеddіt: https://www.reddit.com/user/ZIPCOINexchange

Author: honous2019

My BitcoinTalk Prоfіlе:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2524381

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