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6 лет назад

GSENetwork - The Decentralized Trust Network for Sharing Economies


Hello dear! Today we will talk about an interesting platform called GSENetwork. The project is very interesting and solves many pressing problems. In this article I will try to tell you about the platform, and see what problems GSENetwork solves in the most detailed and simple way possible.

With the advent of Web 2.0, social trends and consumption behavior have changed drastically. It prompted a new wave of community-sharing driven by business-to-consumer (B2C), business-to-business (B2B) and peer-to-peer (P2P) needs in the pursuit of new and better experiences.

However, problems have also surfaced with the rapid growth of the sharing economy, limiting its full potential. The key challenges that needs to be urgently addressed that are hindering the growth of the global sharing economy are high intermediary costs, a trust gap, a monopolistic and fragmented landscape and the lack of risk mitigation.

What it's GSENetwork?

GSENetwork is a transparent and secure trust network for decentralized economies. It is able to achieve transparency and security by piecing together on-chain information in a decentralised manner to give a tangible value to trust, fabricating an interwoven trust infrastructure for digital economies.


With the exponential increase in the rate of adoption of the Internet over the past two decades, it became a platform that facilitated the genesis and rise of the sharing economy. Driven by a shift of emerging trends, the quest for new experiences, economic benefits, increased environmental and social awareness, the sharing economy has seen phenomenal growth.

However, as the sharing economy continues to grow in scale, so have the associated challenges and obstacles. The urgent goal is to fix the key issues that have hindered the growth of the sharing economy.


High intermediary fees

  • At its core, the sharing economy encourages the efficient utilization of resources to build social capital. The current structure of the sharing economy business model is made up of centralized platforms which gather and package resources to cater to consumers and providers, charging both parties high intermediary fees for this service.

Trust Gap

  • Not even the unicorns of the sharing economy have escaped controversies that threatened trust in their users, the platforms and the products (rides and rentals). Uber has made headlines over drivers’ dissatisfaction and Airbnb has had to deal with a myriad of complaints as well.

Monopolistic and fragmented landscape

  • When a company has conquered a significant market share, the lack of industry competition may lead to complacency and a self-beneficial strategy which creates a disconnect between the brand and their consumers.

Lack of risk mitigation

  • In the event of disputes between the provider or user, the intermediary should have a mediator role to play. Yet often, the process to get assistance is not straightforward. Other factors such as human bias, discrimination and poor judgement may come into play that could cloud a central arbitration process.


The Solution

The sharing economy is entering the next phase of growth. The first generation sharing economy formed many new behaviors and benefits to providers and consumers alike - lowering costs of ownership, greater access to assets and services and opportunities for untapped markets.

The next-generation sharing economy that GSENetwork is sculpting can be outlined using the Three - Pillar Infrastructure.

  • DService
    Providing robust distributed service infrastructure to support sharing economy businesses.

  • Incentive Model
    A revolutionary green-mining approach to mine tokens through user engagement in the sharing economy.

  • Trust Network
    User will be able to determine their own trust profile and receive GSE tokens as incentivization.


  • Decentralized Service (DService) Platform

We aim to be the key enabler of sharing economy businesses on the blockchain by providing a robust distributed service infrastructure for them to build on.

Enabled by a DPoS Consensus Mechanism; DService’s core components will be implemented as distributed systems in the following areas:

  1. Order Dispatching System
  2. Anti-Fraud System
  3. Multi-dimensional User Profile Rating System
  4. Transparent Pricing System

By doing so, the sharing economies DApp built on our network can then focus on their core businesses and GSENetwork will provide robust distributed infrastructure to support them.

  • Incentive Model

Through a revolutionary green-mining approach – transacting equates to mining, GSENetwork aims to redistribute the externalities created by the ecosystem back to the ecosystem contributors. To build GSENetwork, we intend to forge strategic partnerships with sharing economy players of all sizes, to increase participation through integration of the sharing economy marketplace onto blockchain.

GSENetwork has forged a strategic partnership with ofo, the world’s largest bike-sharing platform to introduce a revolutionary token distribution mechanism - Green-Mining on a global scale. Having extensive global presence across 21 countries, ofo is a suitable launchpad for us to integrate this model into real-world application, bringing blockchain closer to the everyday user. As part of this partnership, we piloted the “Ride & Earn” Green-Mining campaign in Singapore to reward ofo users with GSE.

Using the “Ride & Earn” campaign as a case study, GSENetwork redistributed the externalities created by the ecosystem back to its contributors - in this case, the ofo users. When users receive incentives in the form of GSE tokens through their green mining activities as they ride, they will in turn be motivated to increase their participation rate and be more engaged in the global sharing economy. Concurrently, the user base will increase, thus scaling the GSENetwork ecosystem.

The implementation of the incentive model would result in the effective scalability of GSENetwork, due to the following reasons:

  1. GSENetwork rewards participants with GSE tokens when they “transact and share” instead of having to “owning” an asset. This will ultimately scale the global sharing economy, truly encouraging sharing behaviours.
  2. Rewarding participants would increase participation rates, encouraging transactions within the global sharing economy. This will bring about an exponential scaling of network effect that would add value to the GSENetwork ecosystem.

With our revolutionary incentive model, GSENetwork is well-poised to be the blockchain platform for the future global sharing economy.

  • Trust Network

The incentive and tokenomics of the GSENetwork are set to increase user interactions, allowing GSENetwork to document more user activities and behavior to create a holistic trust profile of each individual user, forming the framework for the interdependency of the network and the users. With a clearly structured tokenomics model, GSENetwork would return the locus of control to the user to determine the quality and quantity of data provided to the network, and in return, receive the respective incentivization.


The token of GSENetwork is referred to as GSE. The system will produce a certain amount of token in every fixed period of time. This process is accompanied by two categories of behavior in the system: first, the users’ participation in the Green Mining of the sharing economy, and the other is nodes’ participation in the accounting. In each certain period, the produced token will be distributed to these two categories ofusers based on certain proportion.

The distribution of tokens is as follows:







GSENetwork aims to tap on the huge potential of the sharing economy and champion the growth and transformation of the global sharing economy to create an interdependent network of users and providers.

Our mission is to create a decentralized trust network for the sharing economies based on blockchain technology. By focusing on the global sharing economy as our launch pad, we aim to build a decentralized trust network to solve trust issues that has burdened the growth and proliferation of the sharing economy. We envision that GSE network will seamlessly connect the interactions of every user, asset or service anywhere in the world.


Official sources of the GSENetwork project:

seo-social-web-network-internet_174_icon-icons.com_61537.png WEBSITE: https://gse.network/
image.png TELEGRAM: https://t.me/GSENetworkOfficial
document_3530.png WHITEPAPER: https://www.gse.network/static/media/whitepaper.pdf
FB_icon-icons.com_65484.png FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/gsenetworkofficial
twitter-3_icon-icons.com_50735.png TWITTER: https://twitter.com/gselabofficial
medium-48_46227.png MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@gselabofficial
reddit-big-logo_icon-icons.com_68361.png REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/GSENetwork/

Cool-Male-Avatars-01_34324.png AUTHORSHIP
bitcoin-logo_icon-icons.com_73658.png MY BITCOINTALK USERNAME: Wir shtrez22
bitcoin-logo_icon-icons.com_73658.png MY BITCOINTALK PROFILE LINK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1975700
image (1).png MY ETH ADDRESS: 0x9e6b28E53E9a614Acf0Cb423706F81bbB636EA88

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