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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Humancoin - Is The Currency Of Kindness


According to Market Insights Reports research, the charity market amounted to $ 747 billion in 2017. People make donations, ranging from single cases of giving alms to the disadvantaged in the subway, ending with large transfers to charities from legal entities or patrons. But the process of donations today is not particularly different from that which existed hundreds of years ago. As then, the main problem facing donors is the credibility of the intermediaries involved in distribution of the donation funds, but rather the lack of it. The only difference is that earlier this role was performed by monasteries, and now non-profit organizations. Today we will talk about a project that intends to solve this problem by automating existing donation processes, making them transparent. So, the Humancoin project.


  • Problem

Existing technologies of charity have a number of problems. They are not sufficiently automated, not transparent, and the human factor plays a leading role in them. And since trust is the most valuable resource, its absence significantly restrains the expression of philanthropic intentions in society.

At the same time, the process of charity, in addition to private charitable activities, also covers the market of social responsibility of companies, as well as their charitable activities. Together, charitable activities can cover a market of about a trillion dollars per year.


For what reasons do people want at first, but then change their mind to sacrifice more often? All these problems can be United in one word – trust. Indeed, we simply do not fully believe that our money will reach a specific, for example, a sick child. So again and again we postpone this moment for later.



  • Decision

The project team Humancoin came up with a brilliant solution – to unite all persons involved in the process of donating on one platform and to ensure that transactions between the technology of the Blockchain.

We are talking about such persons involved as:

  • charitable organization;
  • aocially responsible company;
  • enterprises that allocate money to charity.

Thanks to the transparent interaction of these entities, the charity will become automated, so that it will acquire a different scale and will bring more benefits.


Today, an interface has been developed that allows you to send a donation to any country, track transactions and receive reports on the use of funds.


You can also generate a receipt that can be applied for tax deduction when you submit tax reports. This deduction depends on the legislation of the country to which the resident is located.


Also, the platform Commission with donations is provided. It will be 5%. This money will be spent on the development of Humancoin. It is worth noting that this Commission is 4 (!) times lower than the market average. This is an unsurpassed competitive advantage in the charity market.

Platform Humancoin really appeal to charitable organizations. It will allow to automate the process of submission of applications for state grants and the process of submission of reports. Now filling out the papers takes up most of their working time. Platform Humancoin this time will be reduced to a minimum.

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  • Project team

The team of Humancoin includes experts in the field of professional charitable activities of international scale. As well as authoritative advisers on issues covering the necessary areas for the project.




  • The name of the token: Humancoin
  • Issue: 600 0000 000
  • Pre-ICO start: July 1, 2018
  • The end of the Pre-ICO: 15 Aug 2018
  • ICO start: September 15, 2018
  • End of ICO: November 1, 2018
  • Soft cap: *$6 000 000
  • Hard cap: $26 000 000
  • Price CTA: 1 Humancoin = $ 0.01 USD
  • Minimum investment: 0.1 ETH



  • Summary

Humancoin is the coming revolution in the world of charity. Such projects have always been supported by the crypto community. The Humancoin project started its Pre-ICO recently, and has already collected a quarter of the required amount. It has high ratings on ICO project listings. A great project to consider as an asset.

All additional information about the Humancoin project can be obtained from official sources:


Website.png WEBSITE: https://www.humancoin.net
Whitepaper.png WHITEPAPER: http://docs.humancoin.net/HumanCoin_whitepaper_en.pdf
Bitcointalk.png ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4469466
Bitcointalk.png BOUNTY PROGRAM: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4471521
Telegram.png TELEGRAM: https://t.me/HumancoinChat
Twitter.png TWITTER: https://twitter.com/humancoinnet
Fb.png FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Humancoinnet/
Reddit.png REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/user/humancoinnet
Medium.png MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@humancoinnet
Linkedin.png LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/humancoin-net/
Instagram.png INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/humancoinnet/
Youtube.png YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS1GlmbfnzwarRd46xi-7yQ
Github.png GITHUB: https://github.com/Humancoinnet/humancoinICO

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