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5 лет назад

Temtum "Technology That Can Be Used by Everyone in the World"

Hello everyone, before I review more about this one project, allow me to tell a little about the world of cryptocurrency travel to date. along with the increasing public knowledge about the world of cryptocurrency and knowing the importance of investing, a new project was born and came to meet the needs of the community. Because this project is a project that greatly protects the privacy of its users. So I introduced a new project, with the name TemTum project.
Since 2018 and almost everyone has heard the word Bitcoin from Blockchain or cryptocurrency, but how many people use this Blockchain technology to build solutions for business or personal use? Only a handful of people use the real power of blockchain solutions to build payment solutions or use Dapp for the purpose of developing their next business.
Well, reader, I will continue to discuss more fully about the project that I wrote.

With a big leap forward with technology that has potential, Temtum works very efficiently, safely, very fast, does not use natural resources and is certainly very environmentally friendly by using "TEM" coin payments. By adopting from the Blokchain Technology, Temtum is to be far more than just a cryptocurrency that is only beneficial to technology-focused communities. Temtum wants to become the most widely used Cryptocurrency by all people around the world. And by using new standards in security, speed, resource requirements and scalability, Temtum will be able to get attention for ordinary people around the world. because Temtum is a complete Cryptocurrency network and aims to become the most sophisticated technology network on the market. Temtum is a new cryptocurrency that offers a change in the cryptocurrency revolution.

This is a new revolution offered by Temtum to provide services to all people throughout the World. Through collaboration carried out by a team of technicians and a development team, Temtum continues to develop by implementing technical objectives in order to obtain maximum results in serving the community. And the results obtained from this technical development there is innovation about the integration of banknotes through the banking infrastructure by using smart contracts and the integration of the theme into online games through the development of demo platforms and plugins. With blockchain-based technology and began to be developed by Dragon Infosec, Temtum aims to provide more services for ordinary users that cannot be done by the network per 2 per at the moment, which can only be felt by users who are already members of the network community. So Temtum uses potential technology and can receive services from all internet devices, including smartphones and IoT devices, cars and drones.
And combining the innovative Temporal and AI Consensus Algorithms Powerful Performance Integrity Protocol, this results in a Fast, Safe, Eco-friendly way of working and coins that can be used as independent cryptocurrency payments, so that the benefits will be felt by everyone in person. this is a very brilliant way for a cryptocurrency project to provide benefits to ordinary users.
The $TEM scaling contest is now LIVE on @CoinallU

To lead a better future development for society and the environment, Temtum has used the power of blockhain technology that is truly distributed, decentralized and democratic for financial transactions. Because environmentally friendly factors are the main things that need to be considered for entrepreneurs who are engaged in this cryptocurrency. Through various kinds of trials that have been carried out by Temtum so far, and finally Temtum succeeded in making effective exchanges without damaging the environment. This is a program that has been carried out to complement the programs that have been carried out by Temtum all this time, namely to revolutionize cryptocurrency and provide actual functions rather than the power of blockchain. Temtum is a network that has been independently tested and distributed to active networks, providing a foundation for payment coins that are fast, safe, scalable and environmentally conscious. This is a good future for users, because the main mission of Temtum is to become the most widely used cryptocurrency by consumers and all layers of society throughout the world. And if seen from the program offered, of course this is not impossible for the Temtum to gain the confidence and trust of the user community. Using the Consensus Algorithm owned by Temtum, this is a truly new and inventive solution to improve the most important thing in the crptocurrency industry. Temporal technology is a new change made by adopting the Blokchain network as a step towards the next generation of more advanced industrial technology revolution. Because Temtum is a cryptocurrency created by Dragon Infosec, and in it is a professional team of experts in all fields. And to increase the value of TEM, Dragon Infosec, all activities related to payment transactions, will be transacted only in temtum.So,, before it's too late, get the TEM Token immediately at PreSale events or at the current TokenSale event.
And that also applies to other products that are under the subsidiary of Dragon Infosec. This is the way done by Dragon Infosec to keep TEM transaction volumes stable. So this will be very beneficial for users who have TEM tokens.


Users are free to carry out all trade transactions without any restrictions on the costs to be incurred and what equipment to use. Temtum provides true and unlimited decentralization. And free to be able to do all the desired transactions, whether to make trade transactions or to make payment transactions. Because through The Temporal Blockchain, it will automatically give freedom to its users. Because by using this technology, it will reduce the need for excessive resources needed in every transaction.

Because the speed service owned by Temtum is the same as the speed that Bitcoin has at this time. Then get more access for you by being a part of this community. By using the Consensus Algorithm and being able to work very very efficiently, this eliminates the limitations of the Temtum which has been limited by hardware and bandwidth which is also a network. But after using this Consensus Algorithm, it removes the boundaries and is able to confirm transactions into blocks very quickly. And it only takes 12 seconds the users are free to do the transaction they want.

Energy Temtum has an environmentally friendly impact, of course this is an added value owned by Temtum. Based on the calculation of Energy issued 16,573,693 the Bitcoin network is more expensive than the Temtum network. At present the costs incurred by Temtum in each transaction are $ 57.35 in 2017-2018 and at the same time the total cost incurred by Bitcoin is $ 104,701, this includes mining and energy costs. If seen from this information, it can be ascertained if the energy released by Temtum is very energy efficient, so that users will benefit by using this Temtum energy. Using far less energy, Temtum eliminates wasteful, inefficient mining, reducing non-maximum working methods.

By adopting the Blokchain technology, Temtum is a secure blockchain network, because Quantum uses native photon sources in the production of random objects. Temptation is a Temporal Quantum using Algorithms Traditional consensus, in contrast to Bitcoin, is very safe and does not need intensive computing resources, because Temtum aims to become the most sophisticated network of technology on the market. Temtum provides protection for its network, because Temtum is a complete, secure Cryptocurrency network using a random hashing algorithm system. It aims to provide protection for users from theoretical attacks.

Roadmap of TemTum became manifested by a hard work carried out by all the teams so far. all are created based on research that has been developed for more than five years. this is a development of Blokchain Technology is owned by Temtum Project. And as for this Roadmap arranged as follows:
Q3 2019
ISO Accreditation
Q4 2019
Increased source of randomness
Q1 2020
Performance Integrity Protocol
Q2 2020
IoT & Mobility Devices
Homomorphic Encryption
Q3 2020
Payment system integrations
Q2 2021
Smart Contracts




I say thank to you all, who have been willing to spend a little time to read my article. And there is no word more is must i say to all of you besides a thank you very much.
Need want more information about this project ??
Visite,please :
Website : https://temtum.com/
Whitepaper : https://temtum.com/downloads/temtum-whitepaper.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/temtumcommunity
Twitter : https://twitter.com/wearetemtum
Discord : https://discord.gg/hs3v4g4
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/temtum/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/wearetemtum
Github : https://github.com/temtum

BITOINTALK URL : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1133218

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