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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Review of the Blockshipping project


Any trade is connected with delivery. As directly to each buyer and the international export, import. The main international transport with use of four means of transport: avia, sea, railway or automobile. I know what is a retail and what turns of freights pass daily across these canals. It is very big traffic and big profits

Navigation this branch of transport arisen since the most ancient times. It is the main component of the world transport system which is the most demanded type of transportation presently.

Depending on distance, a type of cargo, delivery periods, and glavnoyetsena is chosen more suitable. The fastest at the same time the most expensive is an avia, the most agile-cargo and passenger cars. For example where there is no airfield or the waterway. The cheapest, railway is cheaper than a car and an avia but not everywhere there is a railroad. On long distances and large volumes the marine transport since than less cost of delivery to those less final price is most of all used then that gives advantage before competitors.

Blockshipping is the Danish company having the 75th summer experience in the sphere of sea container transportations. The company sets the task of implementation of the project on the basis of innovative technology a blockchain for elimination of the collected problems of branch.
Website - https://www.blockshipping.io

It is declared that implementation of the project will allow to create the global register of containers. It is supposed to capture more than 16 million containers that will allow to capture up to 60% of the market of shipping. To create the platform for expeditious carrying out transactions between the part taken in transportations and being participants of the project. To create the platform of monitoring of the movement of dislocation of containers in real time and to reduce the amount of insurance payments.

Two types of the emitted tokens

Container Platform Token is means of payment of an ecosystem and also an internal token. With his help all mutual settlements between participants of transportations are made. All operations performed on GCSP are assessed with commission collecting. Income gained from all operations is sent to a pool of total income. Upon termination of a month income is distributed between holders of the CCC tokens.

Such functional division of tokens is necessary that the means of payment of CPT weren't washed away from the address of an ecosystem and the platform continued to function!

Container Crypto Coin is intended for attraction of financial resources on implementation of the project. His placement is carried out in the open market. Owners of CCC acquire the right to profit in proportion to quantity of tokens.

The main part from proceeds will be aimed at the further development and development of the platform, 20% will be used for motivation of command for creation and improvement of design of the project, the main sources, a commercial environment, 18% will be aimed at the subsequent development of the project, hiring of new employees and marketing tools.

The distinguishing line of this company from others the fact that they have decided to make a global revolution in the sphere of container transportations namely to carry out work on the basis of technology a blockchain. Work through a blockchain will be carried out on the Global Shared Container Platform platform which very progressively develops. Such conclusion can be drawn proceeding from big activity of people who with great interest watch all news about this platform. Also this interest is caused by very active communication of the Blockshipping team with people.

And in conclusion I want to tell

Use of this platform will give the chance to reduce the number of containers, to improve ecology, having reduced emissions of harmful substances. She works at a front line basis technologists a blockchain. By means of the protected smart contracts it will be possible to keep track of location of containers on the way in real time, to pay through the Internet for services SRT provided by the platform by means of a utilitarian token - he works at a basis of the American dollar - after implementation of the obligation registered in a smart – the contract. For ICO the external token of CCC on global an Ethereum technology blockchain is released.

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