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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Blockshipping - A fresh breath for marine logistics

  Every day a large number of companies transporting goods by water. According to open source data, more than half of the sea transport is carried out with the help of metal containers. According to information from open sources, about 27 million containers are scattered around the world, and to track their location is not an easy task. The revolution in this field of logistics has been begging for a long time, now it is possible thanks to the blockchain and the Blockshipping project. Let's see what kind of project it is and what advantages it has, what problems it will help to solve, and whether it is better than competitors.   

What problems does the project solve? 

The developers plan to create a container registry on the blockchain. All participants will install special chips on them, with which you can find out the location of the container in a few seconds, as well as is the container empty or full. This will significantly reduce the operating costs of companies using container transportation. According to the developers, Blockshipping will save about $6 billion a year. It is not surprising that the new idea is highly appreciated and supported by the key players in the market of sea freight.   

In addition, the container traffic has been monitored by ecologists for a long time now. As a result, with the introduction of BlockShipping, harmful CO2 emissions into the environment will be reduced by 4.6 million tons per year. The use of blockchain and smart contracts will help to make the financial settlement system fast and transparent, remove unnecessary intermediaries and eliminate fraud.  

Competitive advantages 

The introduction of the platform is beneficial to all the major players in the market of container transportation, thanks to which BlockShipping received their support and funding. In addition, the project was supported by the Danish Maritime Fund. Recognition of the project by market participants, environmentalists and interest from private investors suggests that professionals are betting on BlockShipping. More than half of the earned money will be spent on the promotion of the project, which will accelerate its appearance on the market.    

Future of BlockShipping 

The task of the project is to make a revolution in the field of marine logistics. The project helps to reduce operating costs and reduce harmful emissions to the environment. As a result, it was supported by environmentalists and container owners.   

In an environment where all business participants are aware of the need for change and even invest in them, developers simply have to succeed. The development team is very experienced. Just think about it, the General Director of the project has 49 years of experience in shipping. The success of the project will also be due to the fact that it solves all the pressing problems of the huge market.  

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На Golos с May 2018
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