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Cryptocurrency bit by bit, however for certain enters our life. There are folks that very popularize digital currency, whereas others earn on that. and people et al. somehow build a distinction within the approach of the formation of cryptocurrency. nowadays we'll speak principally regarding trading and other people who earn on cryptocurrency, by shopping for and merchandising it. It appears to be simple, however, I attempted to trade and leaked all my funds. however, even here there's some way out - to trade with the assistance of bots, that analyze and do everything to make sure that the cryptocurrency holder is just richer. sadly, not all of them area unit profitable. however this doesn't apply to the innovative development of the BotXcoin project, the developers of that referred to like it the simplest trading tool. a glance at} if this is often thus and take a look at its operation algorithms.

What is BotXcoin
BOT X C.jpg

BotXcoin its creators decision the coin of monetary freedom. In general, BotXcoin is a platform supported the blockchain for making a commercialism robot application. the most task of the BOTX commercialism robot is to trade cryptocurrency on exchanges. the most goal of the creation of the BotXcoin project is to launch within the close to future a special multi-currency exchange BOTXPRO for commercialism on that through its own trading bot BOTX.

Invest in BotXcoin

Everyone who gets the chance to figure with BOTX becomes not solely the participants of the project, however additionally BotXcoin partners. supported this, the project creators guarantee their partners a particular level of financial gain and most protection of endowed capital. And currently, let's take into account what exclusive opportunities the partner of the project BotXcoin can receive.
The loyalty program permits partners to create a profit of 0.2% per day from the projected profit;
Partners have the chance to trade cryptocurrency on the biggest exchanges employing a trading bot, virtually on the machine;
The ability to use the coin project BotXcoin because the main on its own stock market.

BOT X C2.jpg


To test the operation of BotXcoin, you would like to travel to the link wherever you'll use the player project. So, to figure with BotXcoin, you would like to run it and choose the pairs of cryptocurrencies of interest. once the robot analyzes the trading pairs on the key exchanges, it'll offer you the results, supported that, the user can build a conclusion regarding the wiseness of shopping for or merchandising one or another cryptocurrency. The conclusion is created by the user on the premise of the displayed results, that aren't the forecast and therefore the results of the technical analysis, however, are reliable results.
It is value noting that the work of BotXcoin differs from the work of comparable trading tools, the elemental ones of that are prediction algorithms.
All the work of the trading robot is distributed on the project server, wherever all the most functions of BotXcoin are performed. the premise of BotXcoin is that the calculation of every dealings on multiple exchanges, and therefore the delivery of the result to the user. Such actions and convey profit to the account holder within the project BotXcoin.

An example of operating with BotXcoin

In order to require advantage of the work of a trading robot, you initially got to choose a try to be listed. To do this, opt for a cryptocurrency exchange, that we would like to follow and cryptocurrency. Next, click on the method process button and obtain the results.
For a lot of visual results, you'll choose the choice "All". Then all transactions on all exchanges are on the market to you. within the outline table, you'll see the transactions for every try within the hand-picked time vary. Next, you would like to pick out variety within the time vary, which can show the profit. it's value noting that at this time in time, the trading robot works solely with BTC and ETH, and its full launch is planned in time.


Token: BOTX
Platform: Ethereum
Token Price: 0.000025 ETH (0.00277125 USD)
Token for sale: 2,000,000,000 BOTX (40%)
Token supply: 5,000,000,000 BOTX

BOTXCOIN will be used for

Running trading robot application
Loyalty program as reward for token holders or passive income
Trading token
botx token.png


WEBSITE: https://botxcoin.com/

WHITEPAPER: https://botxcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Whitepaper-botXcoin-4.pdf

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/botxcoin

FACEBOOK: https://web.facebook.com/botxofficial/

YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKRlWsyhMQ9Fxlcp2ju3mzg

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/botxofficial

Author :

0.214 GOLOS
На Golos с January 2019
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