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5 лет назад

BotXcoin - the best trading robot for cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency gradually, but surely enters our life. There are people who really popularize digital currency, while others earn on it. And those and others somehow make a difference in the way of the formation of cryptocurrency. Today we will talk mainly about trading and people who earn on cryptocurrency, by buying and selling it. It seems to be easy, but I tried to trade and leaked all my funds. But even here there is a way out - to trade with the help of bots, which analyze and do everything to ensure that the cryptocurrency holder is only richer.

Unfortunately, not all of them are profitable. But this does not apply to the innovative development of the project BotXcoin, the developers of which called it the best trading tool.

Let's see if this is so and take a look at its operation algorithms.

What is BotXcoin

BotXcoin its creators call the coin of financial freedom. In general, BotXcoin is a platform based on the blockchain for creating a trading robot application. The main task of the BOTX trading robot is to trade cryptocurrency on exchanges. The main goal of the creation of the BotXcoin project is to launch in the near future a special multi-currency exchange BOTXPRO for trading on it through its own trading bot BOTX.

Why Invest in BotXcoin

Anyone who gets the opportunity to work with BOTX becomes not only the project participants, but also BotXcoin partners. Based on this, the project creators guarantee their partners a certain level of income and maximum protection of the capital invested. And now let's consider what exclusive opportunities the partner of the project BotXcoin will receive. 

The loyalty program allows partners to make a profit of 0.2% per day from the project profit; 

Partners have the opportunity to trade cryptocurrency on the largest exchanges using a trading bot, almost on the machine; 

The ability to use the coin project BotXcoin as the main on its own exchange.

How does BotXcoin Work

To test the operation of BotXcoin, you need to go to the link where you can use the MVP project. So, to work with BotXcoin, you need to run it and select the pairs of cryptocurrencies of interest. After the robot analyzes the trading pairs on the major exchanges, it will give you results, based on which, the user will make a conclusion about the advisability of buying or selling one or another cryptocurrency. The conclusion is made by the user on the basis of the displayed results, which are not a forecast and the result of technical analysis, but are reliable results. 

It is worth noting that the work of BotXcoin differs from the work of similar trading tools, the fundamental ones of which are forecasting algorithms. 

All the work of the trading robot is carried out on the project server, where all the basic functions of BotXcoin are performed. The basis of BotXcoin is the calculation of each transaction on multiple exchanges, and the delivery of the result to the user. Such actions and bring profit to the account holder in the project BotXcoin.

An example of working with BotXcoin

In order to take advantage of the work of a trading robot, you first need to decide on a pair to be traded. To do this, choose a cryptocurrency exchange, for which we want to follow and cryptocurrency. Next, click on the process processing button and get the results. 

For a more visual result, you can select the option "All". Then you will have access to all transactions on all exchanges. In the summary table, you can see the transactions for each pair in the selected time range. Next, you need to select a number in the time range, which will show the profit. It is worth noting that at this point in time, the trading robot works only with BTC and ETH, and its full launch is planned in time.

The Project Roadmap


BotXcoin is a very interesting project for trading cryptocurrencies. BotXcoin is interesting not only for professionals in this field, but also for beginners. Professionals get additional data and tools for analyzing trading pairs, beginners learn to trade using tips. In addition, simply becoming a participant in the project, there is an opportunity to get a small profit from the total profit of the project. The project team has a very well-defined roadmap, which indicates a correctly set goal. In addition, at the moment there are not enough similar tools for working on cryptocurrency exchanges. Now every trader relies on himself, but with the help of BotXcoin, we can rely on a better analysis.

Official resources of the BotXcoin project:

Website: https://botxcoin.com/

TokenSale: https://botxcoin.com/affiliate-login-page/

Whitepaper: https://botxcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Whitepaper-botXcoin-4.pdf

MVP: https://botxcoin.com/botx-mvp-minimum-viable-product/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/botxofficial

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/botxofficial/?_rdc=1&_rdr

Telegram: https://t.me/botxcoin

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKRlWsyhMQ9Fxlcp2ju3mzg

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/botxcoin/

Author Profile

Bitcointalk Username: yousufatikbd

BitcoinTalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2443056

Ethereum Address: 0xd552f04b7adb5ef66b1c336bc0ae82aa0fca0f37

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