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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

SMILO - The Blockchain Hybrid Platform that Ensures Transparency in Protecting Personal Data

What is Smilo?
Smilo - is a hybrid blockchain platform that guarantees transparency in protecting personal data. Smilo uses the blockchain technology base, where it can maintain the confidentiality of each person's data, while ensuring full transparency of the organization that interacts with everyone. Smilo determines the need for a hybrid blockchain platform. Provide this public facility with the right tools. Simultaneously, the typical Smilo System Process (SNP) can guarantee scalability to be able to produce systems that are 100 times faster than Ethereum.

This can show low, full, decentralized costs as well as a complete Ethereum blockchain, as well as compatibility with wise deals. Like blockchain removes factual errors associated with their predecessors, and also provides blockchain technology that is closer to mass ownership. Smilo blockchain-systems can generate public and open public blockchain systems, as well as decentralized programs. The Smilo Group, which is tasked with building a complete blockchain system, can mix, wise agreements, and decentralized programs.

Designers say their own options can be used in the following fields: health care, product monitoring, business insurance, logistics, etc. The benefits of Smilo using unique Resilience plus (BFT +) are independently developed, BFT is the same as Proof of Stake (PoS ) faster and more efficient, but both are imperfect. The mechanism of BFT and POS is not the most reliable consensus mechanism.

For this, Smilo improved the standard BFT mechanism by creating a unique and similar BFT + consensus mechanism. This mechanism is truly safe, measurable, fast and sustainable.

So with this, Smilo has many advantages, including:

Transparency: Users can control transactions more transparently using this technology.
Anti-Corruption: With transparency, can minimize or even eliminate acts of corruption in every transaction.
Blockchain platform via Smilo BFT + protocol.
Privacy Protection: Smart Contracts and Hybrid Transactions
Security: Smilo BFT + offers better security than the previous mechanism.
Fast and scalable: this platform will be 100 times faster than ethereum or other platforms
Availability: Smilo provides transactions at a much cheaper price.
SMILO Token This system will use two tokens: Smilo (XSM) and SmiloPay (XSP) tokens. Smilo Token is an integral part of the Smilo network. They represent the private part of the user and the ability to influence the network. SmiloPay tokens will be used to pay for all service fees. Used as a fee for registration services or asset changes. This service fee will be distributed proportionally to all the same owners, which means that it will be distributed through SmiloPay system.

Incentive Variable; max 50% bonus tokens
Min investment $25.000
Vesting period Variable; 3 - 12 months after mainnet
Currency USD, EURO, ETH, BTC
Incentive 0% bonus tokens
Max investment $30.000 (1st 24hrs)
Vesting period None
Currency ETH
TOTAL TOKEN SUPPLY 200.000.000 Smilo
CIRCULATING SUPPLY 100.000.000 Smilo
PRIVATE SALE 63.360.000 Smilo
PUBLIC SALE 21.600.000 Smilo
HARD CAP 18.000.000 USD
SOFT CAP 2.500.000 USD
PRICE 1 Smilo = 0,25 USD

Website: https://smilo.io/
Whitepaper: https://smilo.io/files/Smilo_White_Paper_Latest.pdf
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5039760.0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SmiloPlatform
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SmiloPlatform/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZyW2kPmlB4dwdO0yI3qQuA
Telegram: https://t.me/SmiloPlatform
Author: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1112705

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