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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


Blockchain technology has gotten to the level in which the whole world cannot do without it. We have discovered that this technology is making the news headline everyday which symbolizes global and rapid adoption of this technology. But despite the greatness and potential of this technology, there are still some things that needed to be improved upon its use. We have several and different blockchain network such as bitcoin blockchain, ethereum blockchain, eos blockchain, tron blockchain and some other more. The level of difficulties associated with each of this blockchain network varies based on the type of blockchain.
We have some blockchain that are more cumbersome and difficult to use than some others, we also have some that easy to use but they are lacking some other qualities. Let’s take for example the speed of transaction which is solely dependent on the nature of blockchain transaction. Some transactions do take several hours before it could be confirmed on the blockchain network, some blockchain also charges high transaction and mining fees. This is the reason why a new team has gathered around to rectify this problem by launching a new blockchain project known as

Buzzex has been built from the ground up for over a year and is ready to take the cryptocurrency world by storm. The team exists out of numerous blockchain experts that have experience in the cryptocurrency world for many years. The passion and experience will bring Buzzex to the next level, and with the help of global ambassadors we will introduce cryptocurrencies to all parts of the world, all to help grow the cryptocurrency ecosystem. We are obliged to offer a highly secure and fast-performing trading platform that rewards traders, and look forward to welcome millions of traders worldwide to enjoy the ultimate trading experience.

The Aim

The main aim of the Buzzex project is to create a perfect crypto trading platform which provides all the necessary tools required for pro trader, clear user interface, reduce risk factors, reduce of cost of transactions and helps to increase the profit. It is committed to fill the gap and helps to make crypto technology adoption in real world.

About Viral Media Network

Viral Media Network is the Partner Project of Buzzex Limited. VMT is the native token of Viral Media Network. The Goal of Viral Media Network is to create a network of mainstream viral sites and reward VMT token holders with part of the profits from ad revenue, while permanently burning part of the bought back coins with every profit share. The first platform is expected to launch within 3 months.

This makes VMT the Deflationary Token, backed with a network of viral platforms, that investors love to hold to receive dividend payments for life!

The Features of Buzzex Exchange

Enhanced security system

Security is the primary important factor that everyone cares about. The history has proven that single hacking attack leads to loss of millions of dollars. That's why Buzzex store users crypto assets only in cold wallets. It implements two factor authentication (2FA) function for different operations such as login, to make any profile changes, withdrawals and for deposits.

High performance trading engine

Most of the today's crypt exchanges have slow trading interfaces, which often leads to slow order execution and makes huge losses. Buzzex platform is capable to handle millions of trades per second which executes orders even in milliseconds. Thus traders can perfectly and timely execute their orders

Daily dividends

It is good to know that Buzzex distribute their 80% of the daily revenue with its users in the form of dividends. Users who holds more than 20,000 BZX (Buzzex token) are eligible to receive the daily dividends.

100% discount on trading fee

Similar to dividends, users who hold BZX tokens from 1,000 to 20,000 are entitled to get 5-100% discount on trading fee. This also helps to grow the exchange.

About Buzzex Coin (BZX) - The Coin Of The Future!

Earn Daily Bonus Coins On Buzzex

Up To 80% Of Trading Fees Earned On Buzzex Are Sent Back To People Holding 20K Or More BZX In Their Exchange Wallet.

Get Up To 100% Discount On Trading Fees

If You Hold 1000-20,000 BZX In Your Exchange Wallet You'll Get A Discount Of 5-100% For Every trade You Make On Buzzex.

Vote On Your Favorite Coins

People Holding More Than 20K BZX In Their Buzzex Exchange Wallet Have A Say In Which Coins We Should List On The Exchange.

Super-Fast Transactions

The Buzzex Blockchain Confirms Transactions In Less than 1 Minute, And Most Of The Time It Happens In A Matter Of Seconds.

Cheap Fees

Tired Of Paying Enormous Fees Using Cryptocurrency? BZX Fees Mostly Cost Less Than $0.01 making It Cheap To Send Transactions.

Get Staking Rewards

People Holding Any Amount Of BZX In Offline Wallets Will Earn Daily Mining Rewards For Helping To Secure The BZX Network.

Get Masternode Rewards

People Setting Up Masternodes Will Be Able To Earn 60% Of Mining Rewards For Helping To Instantly Verify BZX Transactions.

Decentralized Organization

Masternode Owners Are Allowed To Vote On Proposals Submitted By People Who Want To Help Grow The Buzzex Ecosystem And Earn Rewards.


The Community Is The Heart Of Buzzex. That's Why We Allow The Community To Earn Rewards In Multiple Ways!

Token Allocation

For more information, please visit:

Website: https://buzzex.io

Read Whitepaper: https://buzzex.io/Buzzex-Whitepaper.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/Buzzexio_Chat

Telegram channel: https://t.me/Buzzexio

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Buzzexio/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Buzzexio

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/buzzexio

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPa95_g_kRCghQv0b2v4BtQ

Author : Maniecool
Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1692995

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