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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

How you can benefit from holding the BZX tokens and how to use them

Buzzex has a total number of 100 million tokens that will be allocated for different purposes. You as a trader and user you are able to hold on these token too through mining and trading. In this article, I will guide you and let you have an insight into how BZX tokens will be allocated and how you can benefit from the allocation of the coins.

Below is a well-detailed overview of how BXZ tokens can be used within the platform:
With the BZX tokens, you will be able to receive a discount on trading fees between 5-100%
In order you to get the discount on the trading fees, you must hold a certain amount of tokens in your Buzzex wallet. You can withdraw these tokens any time after the mining period has ended and you can then trade them on the Buzzex Exchange with other currencies.
Earn Daily Dividends
40 percent of the total profits of the Buzzex platform will then be used to pay dividends to members who hold at least 20K BZX. The amount of dividends is based on the number of BZX tokens that you hold.
Let us see an example
• 50 million tokens are locked by qualified members who hold more than 20K.
• You are holding 100K BZX

• $50,000 worth of trading fees are distributed among qualifying members daily
• You will earn 100K/ 50,000K * $50K = $100 per day
The minimum amount of BZX that you can hold in your Buzzex wallet to be able to qualify for dividend payout is 20K, and the amount of tokens you hold above this amount will be used as a metric base to calculate the number of your share earnings. Earnings are automatically distributed once per day based on the number of tokens you hold at 12 pm CET.
Receive Weekly Airdrop Of Dividend Earning Tokens
40 percent will be used as the ADZbuzz daily profit share. ADZbuzz member that own ADZ Community coins are qualified in earning the daily profit share.

Members that have more than 20K BZX tokens will receive an airdrop of ACT’s. The ERC20 coins represent the ownership of the communities for partnering with the ADZbuzz.com. They earn owners daily dividends too. 40 percent of the total trading revenue which is acquired from the fees on the Buzzex platform will be distributed to the ADZbuzz daily profit share. This means that people who are holding 20K BZX or more will grow their crypto portfolio into a bigger portfolio. In addition, they will earn daily dividends from this share as well. There will be an airdrop that will take place once a week from the ACTs and the amount of tokens that you receive will be calculated in the same way as if is for the daily dividends.
Trading BZX for other Coins listed in Buzzex
BZX can be unlocked at any time just after the first transaction mining period, and because they will be a base currency on the Buzzex Exchange, they will automatically have their own trading pairs with other listed trading coins. This means that BZX will have an opportunity to trade hundreds of cryptocurrencies.

Voting for New Coins to be Listed On Buzzex Platform
Buzzex will continually add new cryptocurrencies to the platform. There is a voting system that gives the BZX holders the power to vote based on how many coins they hold. Here is how it works.
• If you hold 20K BZX and you can cast 1 vote.
• You will cast 1 more vote for every additional 10K coins you hold.
• Votes count as long as you hold 20K or more BZX
• Once a coin you voted for gets listed, your voting power will be returned back to you to vote again.

Official links for more details,

Website Link : https://buzzex.io
Whitepaper Link : https://buzzex.io/Buzzex-Whitepaper.pdf
Twitter Link : https://twitter.com/Buzzexio
Telegram Link : https://t.me/Buzzexio
Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/Buzzexio
Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPa95_g_kRCghQv0b2v4BtQ
Linkedin Link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/buzzexio

My Bitcointalk Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1472403

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