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5 лет назад

Cloverdex ico


About Cloverdex
Cloverdex will provide a modular hybrid decentralised exchange and secure multi-currency wallet (implementing multi-signature technology) with strong focus on cryptocurrency market analysis and knowledge sharing, user accessibility and friendliness, social trading, and best practice regulatory and legal compliance.

Cloverdex product offering will consist of three elements: an advance cryptocurrency trading platform, a secure multi-currency wallet, and an EFTPOS debit card. All three of these elements combine to provide a unique platform offering forming a one stop shop for all cryptocurrency trading needs. Firstly, the advance cryptocurrency trading platform will allow quick and simple trading of many popular cryptocurrencies allowing trading to/from fiat and between different cryptocurrencies. The platform will focus on usability and user-friendliness, education and knowledge, and regulatory compliance.

Secondly, a secure multi-currency wallet will allow users to store, access, and manage their
cryptocurrencies in one single location. Users will no longer be required to track multiple
wallets across multiple currencies. And thirdly, an EFTPOS debit card allowing users to seamlessly spend their cryptocurrencies (with the best available rates on the market) for day to day purchases across millions of EFTPOS terminals around the world and make online purchases. Instead of being limited to retailers that natively accept cryptocurrencies, users can now make purchases anywhere a normal debit card is accepted.

CLOVERDEX mission is to facilitate widespread acceptance and adoption of cryptocurrencies by making it easier and simpler for beginner and advance users to participate in the cryptocurrency
market.CLOVERDEX product will support this mission by offering a singular platform incorporating three main elements: cryptocurrency exchange, secure multi-currency wallet, and an EFTPOS debit card service. CLOVERDEX envisage that this product will become the main hub for both beginner and advance users to trade, share knowledge, and increase day to day use of cryptocurrencies by becoming the bridge that links traditional payment systems and blockchain based assets/currencies.

The purpose of the cryptocurrency exchange is to allow trade between fiat currency and
blockchain based assets, and between different types of blockchain based assets. The
exchange will act as the broker between buyers and sellers and arrange transactions between
parties for a small transparent fee.

A key differentiating feature in the Cloverdex exchange will be its focus on ease of use and
friendliness via our 3-step design ethos and its ability to provide timely and relevant news,
information, market analytics and statistics to better educate users and encourage their market
participation. This feature will be further explored in section 3.5.10.

The exchange will offer a large number of cryptocurrencies and alternative coins (altcoins)
including but not limited to Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, Bitcoin Cash and more. As the platform
matures and CLOVERDEX begin integrating external exchange trades, users will have seamless access to hundreds more altcoins.

WEBSITE -https://cloverdex.io/
WHITE PAPER -https://cloverdex.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/WhitepaperFinalV1.2.pdf
TELEGRAM- https://t.me/cloverdex_community


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На Golos с December 2018
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