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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

CoinHe,A Self-Overseeing And A Direct Propelled Asset Trading Stage


CoinHe.io is a self-overseeing, capable and direct propelled assets trading stage that empowers vendors and budgetary pros to safely trade any size of modernized assets without obsessing about the impartiality and straightforwardness of this stage, the reliability of data security and assurance protection, or the uprightness and intensity of the solicitation dealing with structures.

Our central goal is to cultivate and improve the selection of cryptographic money as a mechanism of trade for worldwide advanced resource exchanging. We will accomplish this by expanding mindfulness and instructing the overall population on the security and favorable circumstances of using advanced monetary forms and Blockchain innovation. CoinHe.io is set up with our faith in an eventual fate of unadulterated cryptographic forms of money exchanging and aspiration to make a quick, secure, straightforward stage for advanced resources exchanging; guarantee to bring financial specialists and brokers fulfill and proficient experience.


CoinHe.io has the required devices and expertise — in the type of simple access to quick financing, expertly custom fitted groups, and faultless help services — to furnish organizations and individual speculators with the chance to encounter positive business development and improvement.

Favorable circumstances of CoinHe corporate greed stage

– CHT Bank – Hold coin gets premium: when clients hold coins in Coinhe money clip, if not, clients will be paid premium able bank premium.

– Low gathering activity expense: assemble activity charge at CoinHe determined on each gathering activity is that the most minimal zero.4% inside the world. Also, clients will get a five-hundredth markdown on gathering activity charges once exploitation CHT (CoinHe Token) to pay expenses.

– Support a few styles of digital money: by and by CoinHe underpins high ten coins inside the market these days like BTC, ETH, BCH, NEO, LTC, XRP, OMG …


– The Referral framework is part into five phenomenally clear dimensions, making it direct for clients to oversee still as benefit measurements basically and straightforwardly. CoinHe conjointly separates up to five hundredths of the benefit picked up from client exchanges for referrals.

– flexible CoinHe API framework full and reposeful for individuals and associations to take part in programmed hatchling corporate greed or corporate greed and conjointly joins a cloud virtualization stage with boundless quantifiability.

– amass activity process speed is multiple times speedier than various trades

– Supports totally unique numerous elective dialects: CoinHe by and by backings over a hundred distinct dialects inside the world


CoinHe.io Exchange

Only like some most as of late propelled trades, CoinHe.io additionally got ourselves our very own token: CHT – This coin will go to each demonstration performed inside the stage: Exchanging, Withdrawing, Listing, Using for installment exchange charges, Market-pair for exchanging, acquire CHT as per holding time, and so on.

Trans-expense Deduction

Client will be utilized CHT for paying exchange expense rather than cash base and diminished half in absolute charge in the event that they chose CHT as an exchange charge. This arrangement will be balanced following 9 months since CoinHe propelled.

Buyback and "Consume" Schedule

Each quarter, 20% of our benefit will be spent on acquiring issued CHT then "consume" – Holders will be educated. Buyback and "consume" may new to new financial specialists who simply join advanced resources exchanging market, be that as it may, is a standout amongst the most-needed highlights expected by experienced clients. Every buyback-n-consume could even pumb the cost of the token on numerous occasions since it lessens huge measure of accessible token in the market.

Referral Level Maintenance

Ref. Pioneer are required to bolt a measure of CHTs so as to "save" their Ref. Level. The precise locking-required extent of every particular dimension will be adjusted and declared after the 2-month Airdrop relying upon market circumstance. Bolted CHTs are totally blocked and can't be utilized for exchanging until 72 hours (~ 03 days) in the wake of discharging. Furthermore, when down dimension utilizes CHT as exchange expense, client will get all reward in CHT table.


CHT (or CoinHe Token) is the ERC20-based token issued by CoinHe.io.
Total number of the issued CHT is set constantly at 200,000,000CHT.
CHT priced $0.5 per unit on launching and will increase as the market demands.
CHT will not be sold by CoinHe.io but freely distribute to the community by Airdrop and Bounty Campaign.
CoinHe.io will automatically distribute its revenue to CHT holders periodically. CHT holders will earn certain rights towards any decision of the community.
· For More Information You Visit Link Below :

· Website (https://coinhe.io/)

Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/coinhe.io/)

Twitter (https://twitter.com/Coinheglobal)

Telegram (https://t.me/coinheio)

Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXs0YHPb_HlZMw2ajK9Ex7w)

Whitepaper (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DtoWjDQfr_fT4IzfIMsjTqWEA9H_wwNq/view?usp=sharing)

· Author : vickybee

· Profile Link :https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2524381

0.375 GOLOS
На Golos с March 2019
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