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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Nebula Exchange - Exchange Platform for Bitcoin, Ethereum & Altcoin!

Hello, dear readers, guests and my friends! Today the opportunities of earning in the world both offline and online is full and everyone chooses for themselves in convenience, knowledge and skills. Some people prefer to work with their hands in the workplace, others sit at the laptop, looking for new investment projects, assets and get a profit. But many are willing to create an additional source of income, in addition to the main work and this requires reliable tools, options, which are not so much.

Until recently, one of the most popular areas of earnings was the market of precious metals, raw materials and other assets thanks to brokers such as Forex, but it has both advantages and disadvantages, and the main thing is the constant monitoring of all updates, events that can affect prices, it takes a lot of time!

And the reliability is not enough here, as it is a centralized body and there were cases of loss of traders ' funds, and beginners for a year or two managed to lose their investments. And there were many phishing sites that just stole people's money and their data in the form of passwords to websites, bank cards, which adversely affects the development of investment through the Internet.

And so it was natural the emergence of cryptographic digital money that can be exchanged, transferred without intermediaries and be sure of their safety. Thus, the trend of cryptocurrencies began and many people have created good capitals, and I congratulate you, since the era of digital money is only at the very early stage of development and the one who will receive reliable and relevant information on them, will be able to increase their money in hundreds, and possibly thousands of times!

And given the shortcomings of centralized exchangers, such an opportunity can provide the project Nebula, which in addition to the fact that it will be a decentralized platform for the exchange of cryptocurrencies, and a friendly community with useful functions!
The Nebula Exchange is a set of multiple functions for a competent, efficient and prompt response to news in the world of digital assets in order to allow participants to share among themselves, to receive the tokens and to make a profit for example, I previously was able your cryptocurrency portfolio to increase to 51 times, while used only the strategy of buy and hold for the long term.

Although there are analysts, traders and professional investors who can do 100%, 1000% for a week, and maybe less. In general, Nebula provides a chance and opportunity for both experienced players and newcomers to share information, and if it will benefit the community, then get a reliability rating and are rewarded with platform tokens. And for this, a person must have a deposit on the exchange of at least $ 100, which removes the probability of actually low quality content and fake reviews!

This gives more confidence and reliability to use such information and participants will be able to choose whose steps or knowledge to apply from this platform and give feedback. This feature increases the probability of the right decision for your investment. The interface is clear and simple for any user.
NESC token holders are given a 50% discount when buying and selling cryptocurrencies on this exchange, and they are also required when listing new digital tokens. The team also plans to use 25% of the profits for the purchase of toxins every quarter and burn them until 50 million pieces remain in circulation. I recommend you to be more careful now to use centralized exchangers, because only recently I lose on this 3 Ethereum, so it is better when the exchange is decentralized and has additional informative functions. This is exactly is Nebula Exchange, which plans to sell its tokens soon.

More information you can find on these links:



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Bitcointalk username: Aivaryamal

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