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As progressive as it sounds, Blockchain really is a system to convey everybody to the most noteworthy level of responsibility. Not any more missed exchanges, human or machine blunders, or even a trade that was not finished with the assent of the gatherings included. Above whatever else, the most basic territory where Blockchain causes is to ensure the legitimacy of an exchange by recording it on a principle enroll as well as an associated dispersed arrangement of registers, which are all associated through a safe approval component.

Dealing with the present supply binds every one of the connections to making and u products—is remarkably perplexing. Contingent upon the item, the production network can length more than many stages, different land (universal) areas, a huge number of solicitations and installments, have a few people and elements included, and reach out over long stretches of time. Because of the multifaceted nature and absence of straightforwardness of our present supply chains, there is enthusiasm for how blockchains may change the store network and coordination industry.

While the most unmistakable utilization of blockchain is in the cryptographic money, Bitcoin, actually blockchain basically a conveyed, computerized record has numerous applications and can be utilized for any trade, assentions/contracts, following and, obviously, installment. Since each exchange is recorded on a square and over various duplicates of the record that are dispersed over numerous hubs (PCs), it is exceedingly straightforward. It’s additionally very secure since each square connects to the one preceding it and after it. There isn’t one focal expert over the blockchain, and it’s amazingly productive and versatile. Eventually, blockchain can build the proficiency and straightforwardness of supply chains and emphatically affect everything from warehousing to conveyance to installment. Levels of leadership is fundamental for some things, and blockchain has the hierarchy of leadership inherent.”


StreamPay is an all inclusive installment and following strategy coordinated with all types of installments and monetary forms everywhere throughout the world. Incorporated into the buyer’s cell phone, the installment will appear on the client’s wallet. StreamPay empowers the buyer to store assets and exchange them to various parts of the world. The purchaser will be given a platinum card, either Visa or MasterCard. This will empower him/her to make installments to any trader which acknowledges Visa or MasterCard. An incredible asset, a keen contract will assist the client with keeping their assets safe.

What’s more, this new administration would be the purchaser’s supports make installments to any shipper which acknowledges Visa or MasterCard. An incredible asset, a keen contract will assist the client with keeping their assets safe. This new administration would be the purchaser’s assets.


The undertaking intends to give dependable contracts and disperse appropriated bookkeeping books to make articles executed in scholarly contracts.

Why StreamPay Uses Blockchain Technology to Manage Smart Contracts?
Brilliant contracts are the foundation of ventures. Blockchain innovation will have imperative ramifications with regards to contract the executives. Blockchain is turning into a zone important to plan new dispersed record advancements.

Contract the executives assists with contracts that are self-authorizing or self-executing.
Blockchain’s job in the agreement is to supplant the outsider required to determine lawful question. Known as “keen properties” or “hued coins,” tokens can be utilized to speak to any benefit, from stocks to vehicles. The capacity to hard-code exchange of possession when exchanging these benefits can conceivably make “unbreakable” contracts.

How does the Blockchain exchange following framework work?


On account of keen contracts and chain based squares, innovation clients can likewise check traffic in the inventory network progressively. It will likewise oversee installment handling in the interest of clients, therefore offering them an effortless involvement in the store network process.StreamPay has a worldwide installment and following framework, and they additionally actualize blockchain innovation in overseeing scholarly contracts. This framework can be gotten to through shopper cell phones and all types of installment and cash far and wide. The framework is synchronized with the client’s electronic wallet, so any installments made on the stage will be pondered the client’s wallet. Clients can likewise make stores or exchange their assets to different clients paying little respect to their geographic area.

What the StreamPay venture brings to the table:

•Money claim token STPY.

•The nonappearance of an outsider (go-between).

•Capacity to follow the item since the first run through gratitude to QR code.

•Decrease the likelihood of extortion and data fraud.

•Quicken the procedure of conveyance of completed items or administrations.

•Full straightforwardness and security all things considered.

•Utilize your very own Visa or MasterCard plastic.

Points of interest of StreamPay

Enhance production network

The way that the stage enables clients to follow inventory network forms from when crude materials are acquired until handled into completed items, clients can recognize parts in the production network that can be adjusted to enhance store network forms. The procedure is quicker

Utilizing StreamPay blockchain innovation can recognize the gatherings in the store network that back off the procedure. Therefore, enabling organizations to dispose of those gatherings and include new gatherings that can quicken this procedure.

Lessen chance

Through the StreamPay exchange benefit, clients can exchange cash to different clients without danger of unpredictability and extortion chance, as stages dispose of dangers on the stage and execute measures to guarantee deceitful client recognition.

StreamPay Mobile Wallet App

At the point when clients sign in to the StreamPay application, the element screen is shown as appeared. The QR code will be checked to robotize the arrival of the installment. After effective installment exchange, the client will get SENT and RECEIVED warnings. Clients will most likely download an application that will enable them to check the historical backdrop of their records and the amount they have gotten or sent. StreamPay unmistakably indicates how it functions; the inventory network the executives resembles the above screen. At the point when a client effectively exchanges reserves, at that point that spring up window that will show up.

Token Sale and ICO Details

The token sale starts on 1st September 2018, at StreamPay.io. 50,000,000 STPY tokens will be distributed during the token sale period. Pre-sale starts 30th June 2018. The Last day of the token sale is 31st January 2019. The price is set at the rate of 1 STPY token per $1.00 USD. Ethereum will be used to purchase in the tokens.

  • Parameters Of The ICO
  • Token symbol: STPY
  • Token Price: 1 STPY = 1.00 USD
  • Accepted Payment Method: ETH
  • Standard Token: Ethereum
  • Soft Cap: 100,000 USD
  • Hard Cap: 50,000,000 USD

Token Distribution





For more information, pleasimage.pnge visit:

Website: https://streampay.io

Whitepaper: https://www.streampay.io/Portals/27/Skins/StreamPay/StreamPay-White-Paper-ICO_version2.pdf

ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4554555.msg41020244#msg41020244

Facebook: https: //www.facebook.com / streampayou

Twitter: https://twitter.com/StreamPayICO

Telegram: https://t.me/officialstreampay

Medium : https://medium.com/@StreamPay


Bitcointalk username: differup
Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2535178
Telegram: @Sheelamar

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