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5 лет назад

Mycro, a modern Job Connecter

It is time going to globalization. People around world connected by internet. People can purchase things easier since globalization. Services also going to internet. Like Uber app that booming several years ago, and another app going to gig economy or go to unicorn company. But how about job search? Here is to find your answer.
Mycro connects people who need simple job support with people who are searching for some additional cash money in real time by building a global peer-to-peer network.
What is Mycro?

  • Have launched working MVP on TestNet. Through user-friendly platform, users can offer or apply for any short-term job, extending from home, delivery, virtual, and skilled services.
  • Mycro matches these jobs in continuously with the right jobber.
  • The Mycro token (MYO), will empower trustless exchanges through decentralized escrow installment and reward clients for making each other's notoriety and publicizing the platform.
  • Mycro is the definitive answer to give people back control of their time while in the meantime enabling everyone in the real world to benefit from blockchain and cryptocurrency.

Why Mycro is needed?

The problem are need to solve, such as:

  • Jobber hard to find, since many undone tasks that would preferably be outsourced or done by an experienced person. So it is required a global platform that unites demand and supply for home, delivery, and skilled services under one single roof.
  • High charges for straightforward undertakings, make work searcher hard to look through the suit one.
  • High operational expenses for installment, settlement, and exorbitant arrangement of client administration prevent the cost-effective support of a prospering platform.

The Solution

Here is the first global decentralized platform for simple jobs, Mycro.

  • The first global decentralized platform for simple jobs with self-learning algorithms that takes into consideration work coordinating in neighborhood progressively.
  • Mycro is changing free work, expanding on the omnipresence of cell phones, the colossal pools of laborers and clients can be reach, and the capacity to tackle rich ongoing data to make increasingly proficient matches.
  • The Mycro portable application is a coordinating instrument: it interfaces your assignments with a network part who needs to make some additional cash by completing that task continuously.
  • Low charges Mycro associates clients legitimately through its distributed system and cuts operational costs by utilizing the blockchain and its locale. On the off chance that compensation delegate, need the high charges of up to 30%. Be that as it may, here, clients pay just an expense of 0– 5% for the utilization of Mycro.

Complete trust Escrow payment: The compensation will be sent straightforwardly to an escrow before the job starts. The money will be held in trust by the escrow smart contract while the job is performed (escrow).

The product

Mobile App

  • Key estimations of the Mycro application Fast and simple use
  • You can discover help or profit wherever you are.
  • Job coordinating continuously Using Mycro's astute and self-getting the hang of coordinating calculations. work suppliers will be associated with appropriate hopefuls, coordinating empty occupations with the perfect individual progressively.
  • Instant installment Mycro puts your profit in your pocket the minute you complete the assignment, not weeks after the fact.
  • Low fee, by using the blockchain, the middleman is eliminated, resulting in an extremely low commission fee.

Job provider
The application make work supplier simple to look work searcher, They can make employment and post their very own transient activity for contract.

Job seeker can explore jobs and app will be shown the jobs that suit them best. ‘top match’ jobs will be displayed at the top, selected by Mycro’s intelligent and self-learning algorithms,. Users can favorite the jobs they like by tapping the heart, which moves the job to the top of the search list. Other factors, such as the applicant’s reputation and job history, the amount of offer will impact the opportunity of landing the position.

Mycro wallet and profile Mycro

Mycro wallet and profile Mycro provides an coordinated wallet with many integrations and a user profile that empowers straightforwardness. Profile Jobbers can apply for an occupation with the assistance of their profile. Their profile contains evaluations and audits that the activity supplier sees once an application has been submitted, and incorporates the accompanying data.

Mycro protocol

The Mycro application demonstrates how blockchain innovation can be utilized to effectively address the key difficulties of trust, security, and high expenses for central platforms in the gig economy. The reputation of users, mostly created by mutual evaluations on one platform, are eminent for it around more security and confidence with the opposite one to develop. With the Mycro convention's, Mycro will likely execute a decentralized, autonomous social-evidence convention dependent on Ethereum, which enables different applications to actualize it so as to make more trust and security, at low exchange costs, for P2P exchanges occurring in both the on the web and disconnected world, opening the tremendous capability of the sharing economy


Platforms are providers of applications that permit blockchain-based P2P exchanges.. If a transaction is successfully concluded, there is the possibility of mutual evaluation. This process is accelerated by the platform through a corresponding incentive system.

Reward pool

The reward pool, which holds a specific measure of MYO tokens given by the stage itself. The quantity of tokens is held in a smart contract. Through this mechanism, the arrangement of MYO tokens, people can rate the trustworthiness of the implementing platform.
Each platform has the ongoing probability to buy tokens available and to exchange them to its reward pool. This expands the prizes for their clients and positively affects the allure the platform.







For more information you can click here:
Website : https://www.mycrojobs.io/
Whitepaper : https://www.mycrojobs.io/download/Mycro-Whitepaper-EN.pdf
Twitter : https://twitter.com/Mycrojobs
Telegram : https://t.me/mycrojobs
Ann Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5008139.0

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Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2093761;sa=summary
Twitter : https://twitter.com/suryanisunny
Website : http://www.promo-bisnis.com/
Disclaimer: All information on this post is to give info for our readers. Thank you.

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