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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

The platform for venture investments is EQUI

image.png Today I will talk about the EQUI Capital project, which will bring some advantages to holders of their tokens, those who hold a long-term cryptocurrency after the release of the project, who like to play on the stock exchange. But first of all, those who know what venture investments are and can make money on them.

The EQUI project is already known in the main forums about cryptocurrencies, where each investor can get the best information about investment opportunities.

EQUI is a project to create an investment platform, where they will disclose a number of projects that are not necessarily related to the cryptocurrency market. Perhaps this is a traditional business or perhaps a study of specific technologies, or even just a start up, in the framework of the EQUI platform, each investor will be able to find projects that he would like to invest in.

The idea behind the EQUI platform is that anyone who buys EQUI tokens could count on the fact that he would make a profit: from simply storing EQUI tokens in his wallet as a holder; from investing in projects on the platform; from the trading of EQUI tokens on the exchange.

It should be noted that EQUI is an smart contract based on the specifications of Ethereum ERC20, so we can store it in a portfolio that accepts smart contracts, such as MyEtherWallet. I think, these EQUI tokens can be of great use, because as a token owner you will receive a paid dividend in the Ethereum purse where you saved the EQUI token. The dividend payment will be proportionally dependent on the number of EQUI tokens that you have on your wallet, but it will also depend on what you decide to do with them.

If your idea is to buy EQUI tokens and leave them on a purse accumulating long-term value, the company will give you a dividend of 5% of the total profit received from your investment portfolio, this 5% is distributed among all EQUI holders depending on the amount of the token that they accumulate in their wallet.

You also have the opportunity to use these EQUI tokens for EQUI investments in projects that are of interest to you, then you will receive 70% of the profit the company has for the particular project you invested and an additional 5% of EQUI tokens from the EQUIcredits loyalty system.

What most struck me about this project is that the leaders who represent EQUI, Doug Barrowman, who is the founder, is a person who has earned enough money, on his official website there is a brief biography. His company manages a capital of about 3 billion pounds sterling, so if this person is now thinking of creating an investment company on a decentralized blockbuster platform, this gives great confidence that he will succeed. Another iconic man is Baroness Mone of Mayfair OBE, wife of Doug, who won the Business Woman award in London in 2000, the appointed Start-Up Business Tsar to the UK Government.


The founders of EQUI are very experienced people, and they have a team of strategists and professionals who will advise projects not only on investments, but also on management issues. Each investment project will undergo a thorough verification process before it is placed on the EQUI platform to select investments by EQUItoken owners. The EQUI team will continue to work with the project after investing, taking an active role in asset management, so that eventually the project and EQUI are profitable and successfully managed the investment portfolio.

The EQUI team offers EQUI tokens by conducting ICO.

Pre-sale will be held from 1 to 8 March 2018.
Accepted currencies: USD, GBP, EUR and MTC. The minimum investment is equivalent to $100. The bonus is 25%.

The main sale will take place from 8 to 31 March 2018.
We accept currencies: BTC, ETH, LTC and XRP. The minimum investment is equivalent to $100.
Bonuses are 15%, 5%, 0%.

ICO issued 250 million EQUI tokens at a price of $0.5 per 1 token.

More information about the project EQUI, its team and terms of sale of the tokens you will find on the official sites of the project:
Website: https://www.equi.capital
Whitepaper: https://www.equi.capital/whitepaper/EQUI_Whitepaper_050218.pdf
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2888110.new#new
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/equi_capital
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/equi.capital
Telegram: https://t.me/equicapital

Author: happy weblancer https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1057545

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