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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

ONIZ – The first ITO of 2019

ITO stands for Offer preliminary token as a kind of community fundraising with the arrangement of a token. At the IEO, the token is marketed on a particular stock exchange as well as any type of financier who wishes to spend can go there to buy it. Like ITO, the token is sold on the Oniz wooden flooring as well as undergoes take the chance of insurance policy if the token is bought for financiers during the ITO sale. And also certainly investors pay when re-selling. Oniz Symbol aids you develop technology projects, safe transactions, purchase wager ideas and also get judgment reasoning. Spend for services from Oniz Symbol's companion.

Based upon the advantages and disadvantages of ICO and the most recent IEO. We released the Oniz ITO Symbol, which is directly attached to SBOBET, to pay on Oniz earnings and also losses in communities. With SBOBET, we can sum up the strong values of transparency as well as communities, developing a balanced and also secure system for land and also users. Repayment worth created by the Fund of the Future Modern Technology Growth Fund of Oniz Structure. Oniz Fund is an open fund with decentralized storage space, assisting participants elevate funding and produce reliant tasks possessed by Oniz Token.

The project, which will certainly be talked about currently, is a collection of the most highly effective devices and capacities for every specific user and is called it-- ONIZ. It will certainly be much more exact to state-- ONIZ token, because it is by means of it that the additional amount of settlements will create, which will later lead to the development of its own ONIZ fund. Activities that will bring about the complete as well as direct support of various other individuals, whose principle of activity will be targeted at producing new decentralized tasks based upon ONIZ symbols. For those that still do not fully comprehend what was being stated, clarify. The developers of this task intend to initial develop value for their ONIZ token, using which they will develop their very own decentralized Fund. The very same Fund will be offered for all those brand-new and also enthusiastic groups of developers that want to produce their very own online video game or any kind of various other amusement thing for the customer, just to develop it on the already existing ONIZ token base. Everything remains in fact elementary simple and also understandable.

The benefits of this approach are lots of. First, a strong ONIZ project will certainly give a beneficial basis for the growth of various other promising ideas based upon the ONIZ token. Secondly, the modern technologies underlying ONIZ are innovative and superior, as they include all the principles of dependability, transparency as well as protection of decentralized space for each and every specific user. The fabricated intelligence of the ONIZ system is designed in such a method that practically every individual of sports betting has the greatest level of winning bets. This range varies between 80% and 85%, and also this I intend to tell you is not even poor.

Any type of capitalist thinking about the Project can quickly buy their token directly through the designated trading systems chosen by the Job. The instance is fairly various in ONIZ Platform, the token is offered in Oniz Platform, the Buy token on ITO is covered and also the investor has some kind of mind remainder unlike the token other offers around that their worth can just be reduced in a slim air with no assistance.

Website :  https://oniz.co/# 

Whitepaper :  https://oniz.co/oniz/img/English.pdf
Telegram :  https://t.me/Onizco 

Twitter :  https://twitter.com/Onizco 

My Bitcointalk Profile Link : 


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