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5 лет назад

Chryp.to - Connecting The Decentralized World


Chryp.to is a platform that facilitating its core authentication functionality for the good of blockchain interoperability. As well as a platform that will encourage mass adoption of blockchain technology, so that it can be widely known.


Blockchain technology is promoted as one of the great technological advances of our time and considered as a solution to many of the technical problems faced by industries in sectors such as finance, automobile, and retail.

The blockchain technology can be practically applied to any industry. Agriculture, banking, healthcare, education, e-commerce, property, mining, retail, transport and logistics, media and entertainment, automotive- the list goes on. A thorough understanding of its implementation will yield the areas where it can be applied and in what way.

Despite growing attention and utilization, mass adoptions of cryptocurrencies have not happened yet.

Chryp.to: Connecting The Decentralized World

Chryp.to is a subsidiary of Authoreon, a platform that focuses on developing the authentication and authorization mechanisms are currently being developed independently.

Chryp.to focusses on the privacy and interoperability of distributed ledger systems and their respective applications as the ability of open protocols to interact and communicate with each other offers tremendous opportunities and could mean a new era for the Internet.

Chryp.to Product

  • Blockbox

Based on the open protocol and multi-chain framework standards, the Blockbox serves as the interoperability enabler. It is a decentralized web app, that enables users to easily integrate all blockchain applications and securely manage all their crypto and blockchain assets and activities from one place only.

  • Blockpit

The Blockpit is the mobile app that serves as the control wheel for piloting, interacting and authenticating all blockchain and crypto related applications that were previously connected in the Blockbox.

  • Network

Set up your personal or professional profile, connect with blockchain & crypto professionals, follow blockchain companies, network, post, share, comment & discuss on any blockchain- or crypto- related topic.

Some of the most promising use cases

  • Atomic Swaps

Atomic swaps work in the same way users would normally send funds to one another - with the exemption that it allows users to cross-trade multiple cryptocurrencies without relying on centralized parties such as exchanges.

  • Healthcare

One of the first and biggest industries to be disrupted by blockchain interoperability is the healthcare market.

  • Identity Management

Another obvious use case is a decentralized and self-managed identity. The lack of government and identification standards make the issuance and verification of digital identities extremely difficult and thus slows down innovation and fast adoption.

In Conclusion

Chryp.to will address challenges in blockchain technology through privacy and interoperability solutions. With this solution, Chryp.to believe that blockchain technology can be mass-adopted more safely and efficiently.

Token Sales

Token Name Chrypto
Token Symbol CHRYPTO
Utility of Token Chrypto tokens is utility tokens that will allow access to the premium features of the Chryp.to platform. The tokens do not represent or confer any ownership right or stake, share or security or equivalent rights.
Token Type ERC20
Payments Accepted ETH, AUN, BTC, BCH, LTC, Paypal (with Escrow), Bank Transfer
Total Token Supply 100,000,000 (100 Million)
Token Sale Supply 54,000,000 (54 Million)
Soft Cap $100,000
Hard Cap $8,100,000
Price per CHRYPTO ~$0.10 (Initial discounts available)
Know Your Customer (KYC) Yes

By participating you contribute to the creation of a versatile and multifunctional platform, that facilitates all kinds of interactions and leverages mass adoption of crypto trading and blockchain applications.

Buy Token Here https://tokensale.chryp.to/join-token-sale/

For more information about Chryp.to, you can send a message to https://t.me/joinchat/ItA0KQ9uDFWyLa-s_1khJg

Website: https://tokensale.chryp.to/
Whitepaper: https://tokensale.chryp.to/whitepaper/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chrypto18
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/ItA0KQ9uDFWyLa-s_1khJg
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5098835

Bitcointalk Username : Thymoty
Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1072412

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