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5 лет назад

GOOREO - Decentralized Career Platform


Gooreo is a blockchain based decentralized career platform that is very useful for job seekers. Gooreo allows people to be able to find work quickly and easily, and also allows companies to be able to find the best candidates for their company quickly.


If you’ve been searching for a job for any serious amount of time, then you understand how difficult it can be to find a job in 2019. You might even wonder if you’re perhaps not as employable as you thought you were. Believe us when we tell you: you’re not alone. Millions of other job-seekers are experiencing those same frustrations. Sadly, many job-seekers expect that finding a job in 2019 will likely be just as difficult.

But there are also people who say that finding a job now is getting easier, just open the internet and many jobs await you. Yes, the internet makes everything seem more practical, even now there are career platforms for job seekers like Jobstreet, Indeed, and so on.

Career platforms like this make it very easy for job seekers or companies who want to recruit employees for their company.

Gooreo: Career Platform

Gooreo is a platform that makes it easy for job seekers or companies who want to find workers. The features provided by Gooreo have been specifically designed for users, making it easier for them to navigate.

Gooreo works by bridging companies seeking workers with job seekers. When a company publishes a job application, the letter will be sent directly to job seekers. This method is more efficient and cheaper than publishing job applications in newspapers, magazines, or other media.

Gooreo Benefits

  • Students

Students will ensure that they have a job in their specialization easily and obtain a certified certificate from the site and the company after the completion of work to prove the experience

  • Employers

With Gooreo platform, business owners can earn a lot of time and money and find young people to hire them in different areas easily

  • Society

With the help of Gooreo, society will benefit from its youthful insights and innovations and will save a lot of money in building opportunities for the freshly graduated.

The Oreo Token

Gooreo users will use OREO Coin as a payment in the Gooreo service. By using this token, users will be helped to build trust between service users and service providers, from different sectors.

Here are the details of OREO Coin:

● Coin Name: OREO Coin
● Symbol: ​ OREO
● Code: ​ ERC233
● Total Supply: ​ 1,000,000,000
● Decimal: ​ 18
● Contract Address: 0xfb71ab03d371c43f5e2f3747e5f790370399e778

In Conclusion

Gooreo is building a platform to simplify the job searching process for undergraduates and fresh graduates, thereby improving their livelihood significantly. Corporate and Organizations are also greatly benefiting from our platform as there is minimization or complete eradication of high-cost recruitment services. Thus Gooreo will help many people and change their lives for the better.

Token Sales

Pre-ICO Details:
● Start Date: 1​8 th November, 2018
● End Date: 1 ​0 th December, 2018
● Pre-ICO CONVERSION: 1 ​ ETH = 20.000 + 5.000 OREO
● Pre ICO Bonus: 50%
● Contribution Size: Minimum​ : 0.5 ETH
● Gas limit:20,0000
● Total Sale: 60,000.000

ICO Details
● Start Date: ​ 15​ th​ March.2019
● ICO End Date: 30 April.2019
● Amount of token: 440,000.000 OREO
● Gas limit: ​ 200,000

Buy OREO tokens directly by paying to this address from your ETH wallet: 0x6a240e115f04E8d4868DEB47951d95cA4D0Bd968

For more information about Gooreo, you can send a message to https://t.me/gooreo

Website: https://gooreo.com/
Whitepaper: https://bit.ly/Gooreo
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gooreo.official/
Telegram: https://t.me/gooreo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/oreo_coin

Bitcointalk Username : Thymoty
Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1072412

0.069 GOLOS
На Golos с March 2019
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