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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Sparkpoint - Payment Center On Blockchain

I think many of you know, or at least once heard, the reason why the world's first cryptocurrency and the associated blockchain technology originated. It happened not in the distant 2008, when the world was shrouded in a financial crisis. It was then that people felt all the irony of what was happening, when banks could not pay their bills, and people covered in panic lost everything they had.

Therefore, the world simply needed new financial solutions that would solve all the problems existing in the world, as well as protect users and their funds from such situations. Thus, step by step, the cryptocurrency direction was born, which we can see with you now.

To be honest, I am extremely happy about what is happening on the world stage, someone clearly looks ahead, tries and introduces new technologies and tools, and someone frantically tries to keep outdated canons that, to be honest, have long been outdated. This contrast allows you to once again think about what, and what would you choose ?! To develop and move forward or say: everything suits me and I want to stay where the bank has full control over me and all my financial accruals! If you are still not one of those who are ready to measure and be content with a small one, then I would like to bring to your attention a new unique ecosystem - SPARKPOINT.

About the project

SPARKPOINT - is an innovative payment gateway that will serve as an excellent alternative to classical financial systems and will allow using both digital and fiat currencies within a single application.

Moreover, the SPARKPOINT application itself is aimed at increasing the overall level of financial literacy of each specific user, regardless of what social status, nationality, gender or age. Thus, using the tools available in the system, SPARKPOINT will offer its users improved conditions of interaction at all stages of work, from tuition to insurance premiums, tax payments and other online purchases.

Project Features

It is important to note that SPARKPOINT divided all possible actions within its platform into conditional 4 categories:

  • Spark X;
  • Spark Room;
  • Spark Place;
  • Spark Play.
    In order to make you understand a little about what each particular direction is, I suggest to get acquainted with them in a bit more detail:
  1. Spark Place - this category implies a place in which users can interact with each other by means of various goods and services. The specific feature of this application relative to others like it is that here you can easily and quickly purchase any wishing product either for any cryptocurrency and exchange it for the internal SPARKPOINT token or for Fiat. At the same time, the more often you purchase any goods with Spark Place, the more rewards you receive;

  2. Spark X - thanks to this category, users will get almost unlimited access to transactions in real time with minimal fees. SPARKPOINT will not only achieve this through its alternative payment system with its internal token, but also South East Asia itself, where most of the population of our Planet is concentrated;

  3. Spark Room - with the help of this category, users will open access to various kinds of articles and scientific works, allowing to increase the overall financial literacy of each individual. What will positively affect the further spread of cryptocurrencies throughout the world;

  4. Spark Play - the same category allows you to receive various kinds of rewards for completing the stages in a decentralized game. Where each award represents a charge in tokens, which as a result can be exchanged for any other cryptocurrency, commodity or Fiat, thereby obtaining from this the maximum value and real value.
    All this and many other things will be available within SPARKPOINT for all users on the network.

Details of the ICO

The project developers are ready to offer us their native token, which will help to carry out all the necessary processes within the framework of this ecosystem, as well as serve as an exchange tool for the received awards within SPARKPOINT. The token itself has a short name - SPRK and it was developed on the basis of the Ethereum blockchain standard ERC-20. A total of 20 billion coins will be issued, which can be purchased at the time of public sales.

A reward program will be available within this ecosystem. Each participant who will contribute to the development of the project will be rewarded with the SPRK token.

The rewards program will include the following areas:


In general, the project itself gives great hopes to be heard and noticed. The development team tried their best and developed a very high-quality product that is ready to work at full capacity. However, do not forget about all sorts of risks associated with investments in ICO projects. Therefore, before taking an active part in it, carefully study the proposed project up and down in order to fully understand all its working principles, strengths and weaknesses. And for your comfort, as always, I prepared a list of all the necessary resources that this project offers us.

For detailed information, please visit :

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0.066 GOLOS
На Golos с December 2018
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