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6 лет назад

Coinolix Cryptocurrency Exchange Project Overview

Official site

The market of cryptocurrency exchanges today is quite saturated. And in order to even try to conduct a successful ICO for your future project, it is necessary to attract investors with some original and unique solution. Coinolix have this solution. Coinamia Fiat Coin (USDC) is a new-type cryptocurrency that will be provided with gold and foreign exchange bank reserves. This currency will be presented in circulation exclusively on the Coinolix Exchange Limited exchange, and this gives significant advantages for trading. In essence, by providing a link between our own cryptocurrency unit and the US dollar, we will get more tangible protection of assets against exchange rate fluctuations, which are not so rare on the cryptocurrency market.

Coinolix is a cryptocurrency exchange with modern technologies based on blockchain and a set of innovative tools. The Coinolix project has a number of advantages over its competitors.

Features and advantages of the project Coinolix:

The main problem of today's cryptographic services is the lack of sufficient reserves for modification. Despite the fact that the crypto market is quite young, the changes on it are proceeding at a fast speed. Therefore, in order to use the entire set of innovative solutions, it is required to build exchanges from scratch. As a result, new players in this market will have much more adaptive capabilities than the existing ones. Do not forget about security, as well as the speed of transactions. Security today is perhaps the key need for exchanges. Resources and knowledge of hackers are growing, and therefore solutions should be applied only modern. The speed of exchanges and its increase is generally a duty for any exchange that wants to be present on the market.

Coinolix is a new player in the market. They come here with a clear understanding of the situation and a preliminary analysis of the market. So, we should expect that all current problems will be solved. In addition, readiness for new challenges of the cryptocurrency market will also be much higher than that of the existing exchanges.

About project tokens and ICO:

If you want to participate in the ICO of this exchange, then this possibility still exists. We will acquire Coinolix Coin (CLX). Total of 1 billion released. 500 million will be sold on ICO. CLX can be used to pay trade commissions, withdrawal commissions, and commissions that will be charged for listing.

From October 8 to November 7, you can purchase 1 CLX for 20 cents as part of Pre-Sale. In total, 100 million tokens have been allocated for this purchase. From November 8 to December 13, at the Crowd Sale 1 CLX stage, it will cost 25 cents. As part of this phase, 400 million tokens have been allocated for the purchase. At all stages of the bonus of 20% to a permanent decline. From the 3rd quarter of 2019, a token burning program will be operational for three years. Each quarter will be allocated 20% of the profits of the exchange and sent to the purchase of tokens for subsequent combustion. This will ensure the liquidity of the coin in the future.



Overall, the Coinolix project looks attractive in terms of investment. Given that today a similar scheme with USDT Tether has already proved itself quite well, Coinamia Fiat Coin can also find its consumer. This means that things will go well for Coinolix.

The uniqueness of the article here - 100 %

More information can be found here:

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