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6 лет назад

Moozicore - mobile application for music lovers

Official site

Before you get to the bottom of our review today, ask yourself a question. Do you often hear in bars, cafes, restaurants, gyms that music that you would like to hear? I'm not talking about cases when you go to a concert of a cover band. I'm talking about background music that plays during your meal or sports activities. Did it not seem to you when you eat food somewhere, that this apparatus, which is responsible for the music in the institution, is directly created for gourmets of powerful bass, and you only hear Katie Melua? And it is at lunch, another half day ahead and so I would like a positive and cheerful mood! The same question was asked at the time by other people who created Moozicore. In this review will talk about this project. Moozicore is a mobile application that can turn neutral background music into your favorite, from everyday playlists.

Features of the project for users:

I would like to note that not all establishments will want to make drastic changes. There are those who are so well located geographically, that they, therefore, have enough customers. Moreover, these people have different tastes and views, and the music just suits them more neutral. But there are so-called "fan" places. Or those cafes that suffer from a lack of customers. Why should the owners of such establishments not experiment and try to attract new audiences to their establishments? Just imagine. You take out a smartphone, find such a place next to you and go there with the goal of listening to a couple of your tracks on excellent sound equipment! Come to the cafe, take out the smartphone, download your playlist and put in line several tracks. If there are people among the cafe audience who will support your tracks with voices and put them into priority - will you not regularly visit this cafe? It also works, as you understand, with other visitors. Down with the same music in every cafe, bar, restaurant - let all the places be different, for your audience! This, by the way, works in the opposite direction. The owners of institutions often do not know the tastes and preferences of their potential customers. And who goes there? That's right, the main clients are those who live or work nearby. Based on musical tastes, it is possible to change the style of the establishment, and create a menu that will block all customer needs. In general, Moozicore is also a social component. Although for the blockchain - this is not strange. Well, since we have already started talking about the blockchain - let's move on to the tokens of the project.

About the project tokens:

MZG is the main platform token of the standard ERC20 and based on Ethereum. It will be used as a utility token platform. In fact, clients of the institution will spend tokens to order songs, voting and more. Hosts can use tokens as an incentive for visits (for example, to define special days or hours, where the MZG will be charged in addition to the order). Or used to attract additional profits, simply by exchanging them on stock exchanges. A total of 1 billion MZG will be released

Terms of the ICO project:

Token Name: MZG
Standard: erc-20
Total number of tokens issued: 1 000 000 000 MZG
The number of tokens allocated for sale: 498 000 000 MZG
The period of the stage Public Sale: 26 November, 2018 - 28 January, 28
Token price: 1 MZG = 0,00023 ETH
Soft Cap: 100 000 000 MZG
Hard Cap: 498 000 000 MZG


Moozicore is an original project that can certainly find its fans. I think that the prospects for the project are good, simple and understandable business model, an interesting idea, the team’s vision - all of this can give results. All information about the project can be found at the links below.

The uniqueness of the article here - 100%

More information can be found here:

Whitepaper: https://tokensale.moozicore.com/whitepaper.pdf
Website: https://tokensale.moozicore.com/
Website: https://moozicore.com/
My BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1204273

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