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5 лет назад

The main components of the project AlCEDO

Official site

The ALCEDO platform is unique, as already described in the previous article. The project system consists of several components that are interconnected by an API, so all actions on the platform will be specified in the blockchain and are available on demand. Thus, full transparency of operation is achieved. The main components of the project are: access points ALCEDO, token ALCE, wallet, POS terminals ALCEDO, debit card, cryptomatics. All of this is part of a single platform that can go on independent functioning, due to its cyclical nature.

One of the main components of the platform will be access points. Stationary offices where users can make purchases of cryptocurrency, learn news, including about the future plans of ALCEDO. Naturally, all of them will be equipped with crypto machines. A client who gets to such a point will be surrounded by an experienced team of professionals. In fact, here it will be possible to buy and exchange cryptocurrency without the participation of any exchange. In addition, you can get professional advice on investing in cryptocurrency or gold reserves. In fact, one such point is already functioning from September 1 in the city of Holzkirchen, which is not far from Munich. The plans of ALCEDO to expand the network of such points around the world, but in the first stage - focus on Europe. Expansion of such points is planned for the franchise system. So, if you see the prospect in ALCEDO and you have plans for an operating business - take a closer look at this project.

At the same time, ALCEDO believes that it is the franchise system that is ideal for the development of the platform. It will allow the project to attract new forces for development, while leaving all the funds within the ecosystem, thanks to the key ALTE tokens.

ALCEDO Wallet is a ready-made mobile application available for download on Google Play and the Apple Store. It is clear that this wallet is intended for safe storage and use of cryptocurrency. All your financial assets at your fingertips. Transactions in 2 clicks, complete security - all the functions of a modern and meeting all standards of the crypto wallet are present. There is also a nice bonus in the form of 10 ALCE coins (about 4 EURO) for downloading, installing and registering.

ALCEDO POS terminals will allow small businesses to expand the scope of their potential customers, and platform users to buy goods using a mobile application and ALCEDO debit card. Absolutely advantageous offer for both parties.

ALCEDO cards are made for those people who value their time. There will no longer be a need to register on a thousand and one exchanges to get a better deal for the investment. All tools will now be at your fingertips in the form of one small plastic card with an NFC chip. Cards, by the way, will be limited to 1000 copies and will be distributed only between those who acquire 10,000 ALCE. But the rest will always be able to use the mobile application.


All elements of the ecosystem are connected into a single network of simple and convenient tools for everyday use of cryptocurrencies. With that - absolutely for any of your goals and needs. Just buying, paying, converting, tracking - everything is created with one goal: to simplify your life.

The uniqueness of the article here - 97 %

More information can be found here:

ICO [01.12 - 31.05]

Whitepaper: https://www.alcedoplatform.com/assets/images/Alcedo-whitepaper-eng.pdf
ICO: http://alcedoplatform.com/
Website: http://alcedoplatform.com/


My bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1204273

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