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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

TIP Blockchain - user-friendly cryptocurrency

It's no secret that now crypto enthusiasts are on the verge of big changes taking place in the modern information and financial world. With the advent of a blockchain technology, huge financial resources are poured into the information environment. But now there is a problem of real use of cryptocurrency as a means of payment. Solve this problem by the dedicated developers and team platform TIP Blockchain

Concept of TIP Blockchain

TIP Blockchain - platform on the blockchain of the third generation. The project aims to connect users, peer-to-peer networks and sellers. Tip Blockchain makes it incredibly simple and convenient, it will allow many sellers to find their customers, and buyers - to purchase the necessary goods and services, using the capabilities of the crypto currency. Tip Blockchain provides ready-made payment solutions that simplify crypto-currency payments. The main of such solutions is a simple and convenient crypto-currency address, which operates all over the world. Without a doubt, it can be said that the convenient crypto-currency address is a very positive measure on the way to mass adoption of digital money, as in its time IP-addresses have served to popularize the Internet.

Benefits TIP Blockchain

Each user will have the opportunity to send funds to their relatives, as well as friends using their name. Each address on the platform is created with a cryptocurrency hash (like in Bitcoin or Ethereum), but this is a detail that should not disturb a regular user and make it uncomfortable, so users can create their accounts under nicknames (@TipToken instead of 0x28AD00F1CDF1E24900031) and carry out transactions.

Vendors will be able to serve clients much more efficiently, giving them the opportunity to settle in a crypto currency. Such transactions are as secure as possible, executed quickly and without additional commissions.

A special chat allows not only to exchange necessary information, or simply to conduct a dialogue, but also to transfer the internal currency of the platform. This allows you to significantly save your own time on additional transactions and increases security through the use of peer-to-peer networks.

Customers will be very comfortable using the platform to quickly find the required transactions. Sellers provide their data, which the system indexes - in the future, customers can quickly find beneficial offers, based on their own needs.

Any transaction-related data can be used for various purposes, including identification information, notes for payments, confirmation of receipt, and much more.

The wallet is portable, Tip Blockchain users can access it using any modern mobile device. This approach allows you not to limit yourself in the time of transactions - and you can make transactions at any time convenient for you and in a convenient place.

Token TIP and ICO

TIP is a utility token that users can use to transfer between peers. Use to buy goods in the real world with traders who accept TIP. To save data in the database of hints of decentralization. To pay a commission for transactions on the network. New developers create applications that work in the Tip Network.
Token: TIP (ERC20, then they own blockchain)
Total: 1,000,000,000 TIP
Price: 1 ETH = 10000 TIP
HardCap: 46 450 ETH

Source of information

More information about this project can be found on the official website. Where both the road map and the summary of the project's essence are presented, and of course there is a white paper where you can look in more detail and deeply immerse yourself in the essence and concept of this project. Also on the official information channels you can receive all the latest information about the development of this project.

WebSite || WhitePaper || Facebook || Twitter || Telegram || Medium || Reddit || LinkedIn || Bitcointalk || Instagram


The project has a strong and highly qualified team that is able to bring the project to the highest level in the near future. Tip Blockchain allows you to easily purchase the necessary goods and services, and helps sellers find their customers.

And we were happy to help you today, keep an eye on this project and also keep an eye on updates in our blog, our team is working to ensure that you receive only the most recent and relevant ICO. Also we have telegram channel where you can see the express news, ICO reviews, changes in bounty and much more. All the best to you and see you soon.
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