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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

LOL COIN – The Future of Education

Some might think that we have to start from infrastructure to build this world, some others said that it is about economics that should be prioritized. But, if we learn from history, we could see that actually it human that suppose to be prioritized. Education is very important, we can not develop anything if we do not have a good quality of human resources. Especially in the future when we have high technology that could do a lot of things more efficient and precise compare to human, if we do not prepare ourselves from today than it will be very more difficult to have the future. Blockchain technology that already starts to change this world, will play an important role in the future. If we do not educate ourselves to understand about this technology starts from today, than we will be left behind.
Blockchain technology is developing and none of us could actually really sure how far this technology could grow and develop. What we can do is to non-stop learning, from what happened before, do what we can do the best for today, and prepare ourselves for tomorrow. With all this in mind, LOL COIN is building an ecosystem which will empower everyone to gain world class education using blockchain technology and our immense experience through our unique concept. Unlike Traditional education system LOL will reduce the barriers through its Decentralized DIGITAL LEARNING MATERIALS marketplace for testing & certifications from European International University.


LOL ecosystem will empower everyone to gain world class education using blockchain technology and our immense experience through our unique concept. Unlike Traditional education system LOL will reduce the barriers through its Decentralized DIGITAL LEARNING MATERIALS marketplace for testing & certifications from European International University.

LOL’s use of blockchain based certification and referencing including introduction of FINGER PRINT DIGITAL PERSONALITY TESTING using AI & Blockchain fundamentals for storing unique characteristics of candidates will match them to recruiters & university courses & degrees.

The team behind the LOL project already owns and runs international kindergartens, primary and second schools (www.wells.ac.th) A business school (www.bsm.ac.th) for the past 20+ years, as well as most recently, added a French Government recognized and internationally accredited university (www.eiu.ac) to their already fascinating portfolio.

The company has been offered to go public on traditional stock market to raise funds to further expand its operations in countries like Myanmar, Guinea (West Africa) and the like. However, being one of the most progressive thinking organizations, the team has instead decided to go public on the blockchain (decentralized) space to allow for the wider participation of the masses, not the classes, in the further growth and development of the company and all of its business divisions .


LOL Coins are tokens, based on the Ethereum blockchain technology. It is the core asset of the new Learn Online education ecosystem. Users possessing LOL Coins can exchange them for buying digital education on the marketplace.


Global Decentralized Digital Learning Platform

World’s First Digital Finger Print Personality Testing

(AI) Powered Personality Interpretation Algorithms

Blockchain Based Certification of Students

Counselling Marketplace Using Blockchain

Nationally Recognized & Internationally Accredited Certification on LOL platform by EIU.AC


Any Platform
LOL Platform will take a shot at work areas, cell and tablets utilizing the application.

The decentralized advanced learning market is put with numerous wellsprings of pay.

Winning Team
Educator/Teacher Certified Staff, Certified Technologists and Recruitment as of now accessible.

Direct Rss Feed
News/direct data about new courses, confirmation, enrollment, guiding administrations.

About The LOL COIN Token

There will be an internal token that can be used within the platform and have certain advantages. This will be called "LOL" as token symbol. It will be developed on the basis of Ethereum blockchain and will be in ERC20 standard. Security Token Offerings (STO) as the model selected the fund formation. One LOL token price is $ 0.07. Payments will be accepted as ETH.

Token Details

Token Type: Utility
Total Token Supply: 1.5B LOL
Purchase Methods: BTC, ETH, USD
Target on Crowdsale: $42,000,000
Soft Cap: $10,000,000

Security Token Offerings (STOs) are more regulated and more credible Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). ICOs sound like Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), but they’re not real securities–STOs are the real IPO equivalent. Both are Security and Exchange Commision (SEC) compliant and return investors with real-value. LOL COIN are doing an STO because they want to promote trust and give our investors the kind of returns that make them advocates for the long-term success of the company. The token-holders will get 11.5% of every transaction charge that flows through the LOL ecosystem.

Token Distribution

55%: STO
6%: Advisor
4%: bounty/Communities
15%: Team
20%: University Reserve Fund

Use of Funds

45%: LOL Ecosystem Development
20%: Marketing
20%: Operating Costs
10%: Legal and Admin
5%: Educational Reserve/Fund







WEBSITE: https://loleiu.io

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/joinchat/G1P6Ag0hh6lVrk0pvRx1mA

WHITEPAPER: https://loleiu.io/docs/LOL_WP.pdf

ANN TRHEAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5128468.0

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/LOLTOKEN/

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/coin_lol

MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@LOLTOKEN_EIU.AC

REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/LOLEIUofficial/

LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eiu-paris/

STEEMIT: https://steemit.com/@loleiuofficial

YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXw0yWz7kkYX8MtVa9EPtww/

Author: BrainerdPaul
BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1680409

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