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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


Blockchain technology brought about by Bitcoin makes it possible for individuals and organizations to run a currency known as digital currency as an application on a network in a decentralized manner. This technology gives individuals the opportunity to create their own specialized cryptocurrency for laudable projects and also give other individuals the opportunity to key into such projects by purchasing tokens of projects that interest them.

Individuals can mint cryptos and other individuals can own such cryptos by taking part in crowdsales and ICOS. But all these cryptos are useless without an exchange. An exchange is a platform that functions as a market place where cryptos are listed and cryptos users or holders are given the opportunity to exchange one crypto for another or convert their cryptos to fiat currency.
There are many of such exchanges in existence but these exchanges are not devoid of challenges. Some of the challenges faced by some of the popular exchanges in existence are limiting the mass adoption of cryptos by some well established organizations and individuals. Some of such challenges include:

Security challenges
Lack of transparency in exchange operations
Unauthorized freezing of users’ accounts and loss of funds
Lack of regulation compliance
Slow transaction speed and high transaction charges. Etc
All these challenges are what OOOBTC has solved.


OOOBTC is a Singapore Based cryptocurrency exchange designed to meet you cryptocurrency needs.
OOOBTC has is providing fiat and debit card system. This is a feature not provided by most crypto currency exchanges. OOOBTC debit card will enable easy withdrawal amd spending of cryptocurrency assets. This will also enable individuals with little or no cryptocurrency Knowledge to use and spend cryptocurrencies which will without doubt enhance cryptocurrency adoption.
OOOBTC has various security measure in place to keep your assets safe. Security is very important part of cryptocurrency exchange. OOOBTC uses various measures like Cloud storage, 2 factors authentication the user side etc.
OOOBTC is listed in CoinMarketCap and have a daily volume of over $500m. It is atop 15 cryptocurrency exchange currently.

Join the OOOBTC ecosystem by signing up : https://www.ooobtc.com/obx

OOOBTC is an entryway and trade stage for cryptographic forms of money and Crypto-biological system situated in Singapore. OOOBTC gives expanded framework capacities, for example, spot exchanging, prospects contract exchanging, over-the-counter exchanging, entire system exchanging and decentralized exchanging. Also, it fulfils the requirements of various speculators.

Our exchanging framework has a hearty security instrument and solid basic design, which furnishes financial specialists with reliable exchanging knowledge. Also, the one of a kind web based exchanging model of the ooobtc stage would productively coordinate the market profundity of real trades far and wide while giving much higher liquidity.

Depending all in all system exchanging framework, we trust the ooobtc stage will turn into the biggest liquidity supplier of advanced resources on the planet.

Professionalism -
Based on the precise and secure technology, our terminal is prepared to provide reliable and quality services which make sure you are able to trade any of the OOOBTC currency pairs free from all the worries.

We have been taking variously cautious estimates like cold stockpiling framework, 2-factor verification and encryption innovation to encrypt your own record data, which enables you to have guaranteed security of your reserve. security is the most significant part of business practice. This is the reason we incorporate comparative brilliant advancements to furnish our customers with the most elevated certification of security accessible available. As of now, our one of a kind highlights include:

Pool Trading – We are fit for acquiring high exchanging volumes and creating significant benefits in the present financial exchange because of our joining with other corporate money houses and significant exchanging powers.

Elite Support — OOOBTC exchanging framework receives self-grew, superior centre coordinating motor innovation and use conveyed processing advancements, for example, Google Spanner and BigTable. Consequently, it can bolster monstrous simultaneous calculation and make the request preparing speed to achieve one million exchanges every second.

Network Trading – We are equipped for furnishing clients with a stage to which they can transfer their brilliant contracts so as to take an interest in a functioning shrewd contract network for exchanges, business, benefits, and expanded permeability.

Coin Suggestions – New and existing digital currencies can be submitted for thought by our locale clients by means of our site. On the off chance that we see a computerized resource getting a lot of help from its locale, we will do the due tirelessness and settle on a choice to list this advantage.

Shared Purchasing -
One of the greatest preferences of our Platform is that they don’t include money related foundation delegates. For shippers, the absence of a “go-between” brings down exchange costs. All exchanges are done shared and recorded through blockchain.

Multilingual Support -
OOOBTC bolsters English, Russian, Filipino, Chinese, Japanese and Korean on the majority of our UIs. (The extremely starting discharge will be in English just.) More dialects will be included with time.


OBX is the platform’s utility token, it is an ERC-20 token, which has been listed on exchanges and can be used for a lot of transactions. And can be transferred to different Ethereum wallets.
The OBX attracts dividends from the exchange, when held on the exchange for some time.

CONCLUSIVELY, OOOBTC is proffering solution by creating a revolutionary exchange platform to revolutionize the cryptocurrency exchange market. This exceptional platform is operating the largest volume digital asset exchange in the world, This is absolutely the future, join this revolutionary project today and be glad you took the step in the right direction. Take full advantage of our leading technology quickly and we can build the largest market for digital assets ever.


For more information please visit the links i have provided below;

Website: https://www.ooobtc.com/trading

Whitepaper: https://www.ooobtc.com/assets/whitepaper/obx.pdf

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ooobtcExchange

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ooobtcExchange

Telegram: https://t.me/ooobtcExchange

BitcoinTalk ANN:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4768339

Github https://github.com/ooobtc

Author: BrainerdPaul
BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1680409
ETH Address: 0x1461b1E13ac15B849B8fa54DcFa93B3961992642

0.072 GOLOS
На Golos с February 2018
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