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5 лет назад

Ethereum Premium (ETHPR)


The idea of chaining blocks of knowledge at the side of cryptographical hashes has been around since the late 1970s. (I can iterate the cryptographical hashes merely later at the tokenization section.) The cryptographical protocols were evolving by 1982, once Ralph Merkle’s patent was granted (Ralph, 1980). the info structure named when him, the Merkle Tree, found utility in peer-to-peer systems during which peers all required to share identical knowledge.

There is no express description of the blockchains within the cited applications. however, the blockchains of cryptocurrencies are well understood. As Satoshi Nakamoto writes, they're required to modify “electronic transactions while not looking forward to trusting.” a whole, changeless public record of transactions isn't a style goal in cryptocurrencies (Nakamoto, 2008). Nakamoto wrote that “To accomplish this while not a trusty party, transactions should be in public declared.” (Dai, 1998). Blockchain guarantees to resolve this drawback.

The technology at the centre of bitcoin and alternative virtual currencies, blockchain is associate open, a distributed ledger that may record transactions between 2 parties expeditiously and in a very verifiable and permanent method. The ledger itself may be programmed to trigger transactions mechanically. Bitcoin is one amongst the simplest samples however has some disadvantages. Those are Alan Turing integrity, worth cecity and verification time. Alan Turing integrity is solely the lack to use the whereas and for statements. The bitcoin additionally includes a script, however, it's equipped with associate OPCODE that may execute solely an easy command.

Overview of Ethereum Premium

Efficient utilization of resources is one amongst the most challenges of the modern economy. A sharing economy, i.e. Uberization, offers a novel answer to the current drawback. Our novel vision is that we tend to tackle multiple services, various set of companies, and progressive usage, for the foremost economical potential allocation of resources. ETHPR acts as a medium for peer-to-peer exchanges among firms and their staff.

This provides product-service schemes, wherever product and services will be directly rented or shared from the people or businesses within the same ETHPR network in the time period. All transactions during this economy are going to be secured by the network via sensible contracts. A typical use-case is once associate worker would love to share a resource like an automotive for business or leisure functions.

He/She will mechanically and incrementally buy the price and rent it from one amongst the partner firms, or from fellow staff operating in any of the businesses within the network.


Ethereum Premium provides a platform to store and transfer worth for enterprises. we tend to specifically target little and medium enterprises, to permit them to manage and transfer components of their funds simply and handily, while not involving any third parties together with banks.

For many businesses, it's virtually not possible to make a bank to store its own worth. the worth hold on and transferred as Ethereum Premium can still exist within the same system absolutely controlled by the worth owner, permitting to utilize the offered funds like a bank.
Payments of any kind together with salaries created via Ethereum Premium can pour into an equivalent worth pool. this is often a joint pool shared by staff and employers, naturally bounding their interests along. the worth within the pool will be endowed or used for comes.
A core part of our technology is AI.

Learning worth creation, transfer, and outlay patterns can profit each employer and staff. Investments and operations are going to go by sensible agents that perceive necessities and requirements of the business.

All these services are secured and with the bottom potential fees by building on the Ethereum blockchain. This distinctive technology combined with AI and machine learning experience we've got open a brand new future for worth storage and transfer.

As the worth can exist in a very common system shared by several businesses and staff, the intra- and intercompany transfers are going to be easy and natural with the lowest fees. this permits continuous and frequent transfers, so quick and economical circulation of import.


Consider the project team, the ETHPR website has information about team members with detailed background and contact information. In the composition there are participants who have already had successful projects in the field of blockchain. The ETHPR team combines a passion for blockchain, industry experience and proven achievements in finance, development, marketing and web designing. If the project employs experienced professionals who work in well-known companies, there is more reason to trust.

Mr. Lukas: A crypto enthusiast and entrepreneur. With his background in systems, platforms, and cryptocurrencies, he has a coherent and strong vision. He is currently leading the team.
Mr. Andre: A scientist and engineer with years of experience in big data and blockchain. He is the technical lead and responsible for the technical and scientific development of the platform.
Mr.Carter: Manages marketing, social media, and public relations.
Mrs. Maria: A digital artist and web designer. He is responsible for the development of the brand, internet visibility, and visuals.

WEBSITE: http://www.ethereumpremium.com/
WHITEPAPER: http://www.ethereumpremium.com/Ethereum_Premium_Whitepaper_1.pdf
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS_qfvEPLUcry00-VqVYjzw
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Ethereum-Premium-346375329105093/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ethereumpremium
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/ethereumpremium

Author: walesodiya

BitcoinTalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2160355

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