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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
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5 лет назад


ONIZ: A New Hope for Project Developers

There are some of us that wish to develop a project but we lack the funds to push it on. All thanks to the blockchain and crypto system that came up. Raising of funds for startup project started since the era of ICO. In 2017, it is popularly known as ICO year because all projects were profitable then; investors were smiling and the project developers too were happy because they were able to get the kind of startup funds they admire to have from investors. However, ICO is no longer profitable and investors has lost the trust of supporting the project developers startup funds they need in building their project.
Oniz has developed a new means which is far better and viable than the ICO and IEO business. They make us understand that the era of ICO and IEO has gone and it is now the new era called ITO.


Oniz adopt the concept of ITO to support the weakened ICO and IEO which are not moving market anymore. We could all remember how project developers where about to raise funds easily through an ICO as of 2017, but after 2017 to end of 2018, ICO fade off. Investors got discouraged in investing on ICO because it is not profitable. The annoying part is that scammers has taken over ICO, many fake people do create project just to raise funds without the intention of building a real product. Early 2019, IEO system of raising funds surface, but this does not last long before it faded. So the ITO is the only viable concept of raising funds for development of a project. The ITO opens varieties of crypto market and it is very commendable to adopt if you really want to make an investment with guaranteed profits.

ONIZ is going to be the first platform for ITO activities. The platform will serve as an ITO ecosystem which guarantee project developers to easily acquire a startup funds from investors. The investors will be eager to invest on ITO concept of investment because it has a clear profit model and plan with ultimate structure.


Oniz was built by a team of expertise which are Pioneers in their various related fields. They see that there a lot of investment opportunities in the gaming sector, so they therefore opens such opportunity for investors in gaming sector. This means there is an ITO program that feature investing on gaming such as on-line sports, casino and online sport betting. This type of investment brings a lot of profits to investors and there is a tendency for them to make upto 30% of their starting capital. Oniz will put in place measures to make sure investors win with a bigger odd. The Oniz artificial intelligence algorithm will make that possible and it will guarantee investors about 80 to 85% chance of winning.

There is also an insurance for the funds of investors. So here no lost unlike the previous ICO and IEO that does not have any policy. The Oniz ITO program insure the funds of investors by presenting a buyback clause on the ONIZ token. The platform is very transparent and all their policy a clear to everybody. The investors won't be scared of losing their money either the market value of the token goes down or not, simply because the Oniz platform will buyback their token.


The Oniz ITO ideology is the real hope for investors to earn adequate profits they admire and it is also the best means of project developers to raise a startup funds. The platform is ruining on a clear concept which guarantee that the investors can never lose their assets while making an investment through this platform. If you have a project in mind but you don't know where or how to get a startup funds, it is high time you approach Oniz.

Get more information about Oniz here:

Website: https://oniz.co/

ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5165733.msg51844051

WhitePaper: https://oniz.co/oniz/img/English-1.pdf

Telegram group: https://t.me/Onizco

Telegram Channel: https://t.me/OnizCo1

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Onizco

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/oniz.coo

Download on the App Store: http: // itms-services //? Action = download-manifest & url = https: //oniz.co/download/app.plist

Author: Bitcointalk Username:
Bitcointalk Profile Link:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1863050;sa=summary

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