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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Cryptograin - automatic accumulation of finance!

Cryptograin is the service of quick accumulation, saving and increasing funds just like never before.

Every day, paying with a credit or debit card, you automatically transfer your savings to an electronic wallet. All listed funds are transferred to service Cryptograin.

This project is aimed at ensuring that you can accumulate your funds in the form of a fiat or a crypto currency in automatic and semi-automatic mode. Also, Cryptograin helps maintain the most famous crypto currencies to date: ETH, BTC, Ripple, Litecoin and many others. The project is able to scale globally.

Cryptograin project allows you to bridge the gap between financial and crypto-currency funds. And also it represents a complete ecosystem for the exchange of funds between crypto currency and fiat money. The user can keep funds in the wallet, convert them into other crypto-currencies, and also withdraw money from bank cards in Fiat. And this is not all the features of the service. For example, because a person will hold funds in a crypto currency, he or she will receive a decentralized savings account for funds.

This service is different from conventional banks, because they can not work with assets such as crypto-currencies.

It is easy to save and earn money:


Rounding off transactions when shopping in stores and outlets, and automatically investing the difference into personal account


Rounding off transactions when depositing a card (incoming funds transfer) and automatically invest the difference into personal account


Making a fixed transfer to your account on a daily, weekly or monthly basis


Investing funds when depositing personal account.

Alghoritm of work / steps:

  1. You buy in the store some goods, but you will need to use a plastic card and when transferring money for this product, you will receive BONUSES that will be deposited on your electronic wallet.
  2. Bonuses can be easily exchanged for crypto currency and then still get some profit, because they themselves must understand that coins, for example, bitcoin and etherium are growing in price every year.
  3. Also in this service you will have freedom of action, since, in addition to accumulating bonuses or exchanging them for crypto currency (and this can be done in automatic mode), you can still simply store your money, transfer it from your wallet to another purse or to display them on their plastic or virtual cards.
  4. In general, if you want to accumulate money for the future, it will happen practically without your participation.
  5. Access to your personal Cryptograin office will be via a mobile phone application (by the way, it is already on Google Play where you can download it,) or a web application for a personal computer.
  6. Thanks to the Cryptograin application, a person will easily work with the service, since the application will help him in everything.
  7. The user can see at any time through this application how his balance increases and if he has a desire or hard times come, he can easily remove them simply by selecting this item in the application and specifying where he wants to withdraw them.


Token Details:
Name: CGR
Token Sale: June 25-August 29, 2018
Total Stock: 17 000 000
Total Volume Allocated For Sale: 12 750 000
Starting Price: 1 CGR = 1$

The roadmap:

Website: [https://cryptograin.io/]
Whitepaper: [https://cryptograin.io/whitepaper]
Facebook: [https://www.facebook.com/cryptograin]
Twitter: [https://twitter.com/cryptograin_io]
Telegram: [https://t.me/cryptograin]
Telegram ANN: [https://t.me/Cryptograin_EN]

Author: [https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1706807]

0.022 GOLOS
На Golos с June 2018
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