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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Buddy - Decentralized Development Automation Platform


What is Buddy?

Buddy is a decentralized development automation platform, basically for software and application developers, which makes it easier for developers to create and develop software and applications.

Buddy helps developers to focus majorly on adding creativity to their applications and software, rather than waste precious time on repeating a task over and over.

Furthermore, the world is evolving daily and so is technology. Virtually everyone is clamoring for more smart work than hardwork, and because technology is an everyday necessity, the demand for skilled labour has automatically increased.

The importance of developers cannot be overemphasized, they play and integral part in giving life in terms of creating applications to the ideas of consumers and organizations.

With Buddy, developers can be more productive and reduce the time taken to write codes and develop software and applications.


The price derived from improvement automation applies to all IT groups. To unleash mass DevOps adoption, an answer have to have:

  • A culture-shifting technique – the use of flexibility and excellence to assist go-teams to reach their challenge dreams and preserve excessive-stage performance.
  • An open version that can serve as a framework for skilled app developers to provide quality add-ons for differing stacks of development automation.
  • auto-scaling add-ons - presenting recognition of what may be offloaded to a public community with recognize to the company's intellectual assets and guidelines.

How Buddy will impact development and deployment process.

The Buddy blockchain would grant software and application developers the chance to use the shopping mall for developers (that's what I like to call it) known as THE AUTOMATION MARKET PLACE: where the developers who are granted access to automated scripts, can automatically execute tasks which in turn aids faster development of software and applications.

This marketplace employs automated scripts which assists developers to cut-down on the time spent in writing code and repeating tasks, but it doesn't end there, it also has a dual advantage:

Allows for innovation and improvements as developers can submit their own written scripts and enhance the general database of the marketplace.

Developers can earn from submitting their scripts, by selling them to other developers on the blockchain is exchange for BUD token..

Buddy Features

buddy has numerous benefits that will be able to clear up the case of the troubles above. buddy has a totally entire characteristic this is capable of deliver a completely easy and green development system.
GRID Automation - using a decentralized Infrastructure to run unlimited quantity of obligations of automation for utility improvement

  • Automation Pipelines
    using Automation software improvement and deployment with greater than 70 steps prepared to use.
  • Sandboxes
    Preview a full & take a look at environment that serves as an automated immediate app preview for every branch of code.
  • BlockchainOps
    uses Bot-advanced automation for Blockchain programs to make it smarter, higher & faster and greater green.
  • Integrations
    The rich palette with custom integration presents complete aid for plenty piles
  • DevOps marketplace
    available App shop for developers by means of developers with answers that automate software improvement.


There will be two major use of the Buddy TokennFor selling their scripts in the Automated Market.As a means of payment for being part of the Computing Unit used by Developers.
The BUD token is based on Ethereum and hopes to be wide spread in the market of Development Automation that is said to be worth about $330 billion by the year 2022, as against being worth about $110 billion currently. The BUD token hopes to take a strong stand in governance as well as to be as transparent and fair to the members of the System.

The Bud Token has would go at a rate of 1BUD = 0.0002ETH and would have a total sale supply ranging from around 300 – 470 million. It will also have a Total Supply of 500 - 670 million BUD tokens with a hard cap amount of about 60, 000 ETH.
Token Name : BUD
Token Sale : 470,000,000 BUD
Token Price : 0.0002 ETH
Platform : Ethereum
Token Supply
Hard Cap 60,000 ETH
Accepting ETH


After going through this article, I think it is safe to say that Buddy would be revolutionary for developers as well as people who wish to make money of their Systems while idle.

Apart from the fact that it helps to save time for developers and also auto scale their work, it provides a market for which various developers can come together and share trade their automation script thereby making them better at what they do and also earning for them in the process.

So as a developer, rather ask yourself “Why not Buddy?”. Seeing that it has partnered with various major firms and also chooses to join the Blockchain. It is a clear indication that Buddy stands for revolution of the Automation Development and Deployment.

For more Details:

Link to the website — https://token.buddy.works/
Group in Telegram — https://t.me/buddytoken
Official Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/gitbuddy/
Official Twitter — https://twitter.com/buddygit
Whitepaper — https://files.buddy.works/ico/BuddyWhitepaper.pdf

About Me

My Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2244924
Eth Address: 0xa4A208C7b431a83362287b8A63D2E675a8e9E15b

Uniqueness (100%):

0.074 GOLOS
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