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5 лет назад

LOVE Air Coffee Project

About the Project
Hello friend, today I will review a new platform called LOVE Air Coffee. This platform combines the crypto industry and commodity business namely Coffee. The merger is based on EVOL Blockchain technology, through this technology will optimize all the company's internal processes, information collection, Analytics, product tracking, customer contact, privacy, and more. Through optimization, you can reduce costs, improve product quality and service. "Love Air Coffee" is a company that produces real products and optimizes all internal processes from the start with the help of blockchain.
The LOVE Air Coffee team has developed innovative equipment for roasting coffee beans. The innovative tool is the LOVE Air Coffee Roaster prototype, in detail the tool information is as follows:

  1. The device is in the process of obtaining a patent.
  2. Our prototype roster has no analogues.
  3. The project team will produce devices of various modifications and capacities.
  4. Roasting time of a batch of coffee takes from 10-20 minutes depending on the model and modification of the roasting line.
  5. Smoke pumping system ensures the safety of the best taste of grain.
    Through the Roaster tool, the best coffee will be created based on the work process as follows:
  6. Coffee beans fly in hot air at 300 ° C.
  7. No contact with hot metal, which reduces the number of grain defects and minimizes weight loss.
  8. All microelements and minerals are preserved, which makes the drink much healthier.
  9. Uniform and high quality quality of raw materials, which maximally improves the taste of the finished drink.
  10. Roasting time takes only 13-15 minutes.
  11. The ability to adjust the intensity and degree of processing of raw materials that meet the needs and tastes of consumers.

This is a new mechanism and technology for the coffee industry that will significantly improve taste and aroma. This technology keeps the beneficial trace elements contained in coffee and minimizes the weight loss of grain during processing, which significantly increases profits. Besides Blockchain Evol's technology, it will provide mutually beneficial partnerships with customers, consumers, suppliers, competitors, and other representatives of this industry.

LOVE Air Coffee, is an ambitious project. The project will open the latest baking shops in CIS countries and Europe. LOVE Air Coffee has produced finished products that are already on the market and in the near future this project will open a large number of new branded selling points. The mobile application is available, which will provide information about:

  1. Servicing our outlets and customers
  2. partner products
  3. Payment for tokens
  4. Pre-orders
  5. Partner services (delivery of food, water, taxi and more)
  6. Social network (communication, comments, photos, videos, news)
  7. Geo-communication
  8. Internal crypto exchanger
  9. Practical jokes. Lottery. Charity

LOVE Air Coffee is also supported by LAC tokens, this token runs on ethereum networks with the ERC20 standard. The LAC Token was created to offer investors the contribution to join in this ambitious project, as well as to fund development projects. LAC tokens are being published on the Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) program. to be able to get involved in the IEO program, you or investors can visit https://tokensale.loveaircoffee.com/ and will get a bonus that has been requested by the LOVE Air Coffee team.

Coffee is a good commodity and very profitable. LOVE Air Coffee comes and takes opportunities in this commodity industry. This is a very unique project, bringing a new style in a modern way, using crypto coins and the ethereum blockchain will make it easier for coffee users anywhere, because finished products have been on the market. And the LAC tokens will bring you all coffee lovers.

For updated information, visit the general link below:
Website = https://tokensale.loveaircoffee.com/#
Whitepaper = https://tokensale.loveaircoffee.com/#whitepaper
Twitter = https://twitter.com/LOVEAirCoffee
Telegram = https://t.me/lac_official
Facebook = https://www.facebook.com/LOVEAirCoffeeOfficial
Linkedin = https://www.linkedin.com/in/loveaircoffee/
Reddit = https://www.reddit.com/user/LAC_OFFICIAL
Github = https://github.com/LOVEAirCoffee
Medium = https://medium.com/@loveaircoffee

Created by: Sabrina / Bitcointalk
Address Ethereum: 0xE96308f9A84398f5c8Afc7cD7e3Ee456bE625d98

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