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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

DataXchain - Blockchaine Based Decentralized Data Trade Service (ICO REWIEW)

Modern technology and the development of the Internet has resulted in a huge amount of personal data and exclusive materials in the form of photos and posts that people voluntarily share on social networks, while shopping, visiting interesting places, and just at any moment of their life. And the volumes of this stream grow exponentially, as does its cost. This data, which is publicly available, is of tremendous financial interest for Internet companies that use them, sell and extract huge profits, while ignoring the ownership rights to these data. After analyzing this situation, the DataXchain team proposed to develop a peculiar ecosystem in which the owners' rights to the intellectual property of their data will be restored in such a way that they can additionally receive a reward for providing them to the public.

What DataXchain is and how it works
DataXchain is a social service that is organized in a decentralized manner with a unique intelligent matching mechanism (IME), in which Data Owners and Data Users can collaborate on mutually beneficial conditions for data exchange. It will be a completely new, active and self-developing ecosystem in which everyone can create their digital assets (photos, images, texts, music, etc.) for sale or buy what they need from another user. All this will be possible thanks to the use of blockchain technology and smart contracts that will perform the appropriate transactions to pay for data acquisition services.

All transactions take place with the help of a DXCT system token and are recorded in a distributed ledger to prove the purchase and to eliminate fraud when working with data.

This system was created to destroy the monopoly of centralized giants and to give every citizen an opportunity to realize themselves in an intellectual digital space.

Benefits Project DataXchain
Unlike previously developed projects, DataXchain offers the user to receive remuneration for providing his data and a number of the following advantages:

  • the use of blockchain technology makes it possible to support multi-functional transactions;
  • the presence of a wallet allows users to maintain full records and control of their data and digital assets;
  • Developed a convenient procedure for downloading and viewing data on the website and in the mobile application;
  • new technologies AI and Big Data allow you to process and organize data in the catalog;
  • All service processes have a high speed of one-time implementation;
    ensured the stability of the service and its accuracy and security in real time.

DataXchain Development Team
The project is developed by a large team consisting of engineers and managers who have experience in software development, mobile applications in the blockchain technology, in the field of transferring intellectual property data and artificial intelligence for various business and economic areas.

Partners of DataXchain
The strategic partner of ToBeLet, which develops the DataXchain platform, is Xiilab, which in Korea today is a leader in the development of projects in the field of artificial intelligence and data transmission. The leading members of the DataXchain team are in the past Xiilab specialists, so the development of the project will go at an accelerated pace.

Other key partners include well-known companies such as Linux Foundation, Oracle, Ethereum, and MFU.

The idea of the project was announced on June 12, 2018 and by the end of the second quarter the whole team was assembled, which began to prepare for preliminary and basic sales of tokens in October 2018. By the end of the year, the team plans to release an Alpha version of DataXchain.

In 2019, by June, work on the Beta version of DataXchain will be completed, by September its block chain will be launched, and by December 2019, a full-fledged version of the platform will be launched.

The DXCT token is a utility platform token with which you can access the DataXchain platform and its services.

Terms of token sales are as follows:

Token: DXCT
Platform: Ethereum
Standard: ERC20
Total Tokens: 1,000,000,000 DXCT
Available for Token Sale: 730,000,000 DXCT (73%)
Payment: ETH, BTC, USD
Whitelist: no
KYC: yes
Min / Max Personal Cap Crowd sale: 100 USD / 500,000 USD
ICO price: 1 DXCT = 0.06 USD
Soft cap: no
HardCap: 30,000,000 USD
Pre-sale preliminary stage: October 8, 2018 to October 28, 2018, up to 40% bonuses are available
The main stage of sales of ICO: September 29, 2018 to October 09
Team Country: SINGAPORE

The distribution of tokens is as follows:

73% - for sale during the ICO and for the bonus program;
15% - for the needs of the project, its future growth;
10% - for team members and their advisers;
2% - for distribution of free tokens to participants of the Bounty company.

The distribution of earned funds is as follows:

40% - for the development, maintenance and promotion of the platform in the global space;
30% - on a marketing company to bring it to the world market;
20% - to pay for legal and advisory support to ensure the legal launch of the project;
15% - for charitable donations and support of scientific developments in the IT industry.

This project offers its own, worthy of attention and consideration, solutions to the market for the exchange of information. Today, due to the constant growth of the volume of data and information, the interest and demand in this market is constantly growing and the tools developed by an experienced and authoritative team will always be necessary and demanded by society, despite the presence of such projects.

You can get more information about the project at the links:

Website: http://dataxchain.org/ico
White Paper: http://dataxchain.org/ico
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5032946.msg45914239#msg45914239
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dataxchain/
Telegram: https://t.me/Dataxchain
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DataXchain
Medium: https://twitter.com/DataXchain
GitHub: https://github.com/Tobelet
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7xQ4SwbNkcCMtGtM3TXl1w/featured

My profil Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1090340

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