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5 лет назад

GOOREO: Decentralized Career Platform

Consistently, a huge number of understudies the world over total their examinations. Every one of them expects to go into a full grown-up life, and in this manner get an appropriate line of work and dedicate a large portion of his life to it. This situation is trailed by most of alumni so the point of work stays important from year to year.


Be that as it may, only one out of every odd alumni can following graduation to locate a decent and fair occupation, particularly identified with his expert abilities and learning picked up around there. Basically, to get a new line of work following the Institute isn't feasible for everybody, particularly in their profile bearing. Everything relies upon the nonappearance of numerous elements.

For instance

  • after the finish of the magistracy you have not showed up a couple of good recommendations for occupation opening in different associations, where you could get down to business and build up their expert aptitudes, profiting by their open-minded perspectives and not blinkered reasoning;

  • or on the other hand Vice versa, your specialization is narrow to the point that after graduation you have no clue where to go to somebody considered your resume and it has turned out to be famous in either association;

  • there is likewise a far inverse circumstance, when a thin specialization quickly accessible a colossal number of conceivable staff, to pick the leader of the association is troublesome, in light of the fact that he doesn't know the accurate qualities of every one of the hopefuls, with which he would almost certainly pick the most appropriate for them.

To tackle every one of these issues is setting off to another decentralized platform, which depends on present day innovation can upset work for all understudies who have recently moved on from their school and prepared to dive into the working environment.


The project which will be examined today is called - GOOREO. Its fundamental objective is to make a solitary space inside which graduates and businesses will most likely locate one another, while dissecting all the vital validation information, communicating their interest through the GOOREO platform.

The innovation with which the engineers established GOOREO was not picked by shot. The primary concern that they required from the blockchain is its premise through which you can securely, straightforwardly and in particular safely oversee completely any procedures important for GOOREO.

GOOREO Principle of Operation

As you have officially acknowledged, GOOREO can without much of a stretch be utilized by any normal alumni, just as the business of any association or Corporation, who is looking for new staff prepared to work for the improvement of a specific course. In this manner, to comprehend the general picture, I propose to consider a simple calculation of activities by which one side of the coin will almost certainly contact the other, where GOOREO goes about as a connection, that is, the "edge" of this very coin.

  1. All activities start with enrollment on GOOREO, which is accessible in both portable and web renditions. When you have effectively enlisted, you have to fill in your expert resume in which you depict every one of the accomplishments that you have, just as all the accessible aptitudes.

  2. Then again, bosses will round out a comparative resume structure, just containing viewpoints containing a depiction of the accessible opportunity, just as prerequisites for expert aptitudes of things to come worker. This will likewise incorporate data on whether the work is remote or on location.

  3. The comfort of GOOREO is that in the meantime understudies have the chance to see the accessible opening in the expert field to which they have a place, along these lines bypassing all the "data trash" found in incorporated wellsprings of this course.

  4. When an alumni finds that he needs or, in actuality, the business finds that the authority he/she needs, between them is an agreement of work, with GOOREO leave the imprint that the two sides got their desire, with these gatherings (manager and graduate) can leave a rating of the nature of administrations given by GOOREO as awful, great and astounding.

GOOREO Advantages

Note that the mission of the project is to make a superior decentralized platform of youth work, furnishing it with all the essential capacities and instruments. Because of which they will be capable not exclusively to uncover their potential, yet additionally the expert circle of their specialization.

In the meantime, I composed prior that for the originators of GOOREO is critical, the wellbeing and unwavering quality of their platform that is the reason they given most extreme consideration to building up a confirmation strategy to affirm their personality and other supporting attributes, accessible for the two alumni and businesses. These measures will dispose of the unscrupulous and unsatisfactory guideline of connection between the two gatherings, while regarding the specialist of the GOOREO platform.


On the off chance that we talk about the cooperation of clients and other accessible administrations inside GOOREO, at that point the framework offers its inward token – OREO with which installments for every single working administration will be performed. The token itself is created based on the Ethereum blockchain (ERC23 standard).

Altogether, just 1 billion tokens will be discharged for the life of the project, which will be disbanded for different errands. A portion of these coins will be accessible available to be purchased, some will be conveyed between the establishing group and their counselors, the rest will be allotted for showcasing and different advancements.

Final Thoughts

Given the above standards, we can securely expect that GOOREO intends to truly break into the young business segment and offer its better and increasingly compelling states of participation, on account of which every one of the gatherings will be fulfilled and popular in its class.

Be that as it may, we should not disregard your security, as my audits are just for instructive purposes. Accordingly, before effectively participating in any project portrayed here, I unequivocally suggest that you by and by get to know all its official assets. To do this, each time I set up the essential rundown of authority interfaces that are accessible toward the finish of this article.

For More Information:


Author's Info:
Bitcointalk - Connect08
My ETH Address: 0xa7f7cc9ac3ff9d24c9e4e64fd3fa5168b9415fd3

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