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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

XCH4NGE Is a New Peer-to-Peer Cryptocurrency Exchange With Big Potential

XCH4NGE was built up in the UK to enable the clients to purchase, move, store and trade cryptographic money, and backings Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ethereum and XRP. The company plan to be the perfect section point to the computerized resource biological community, and in that capacity they give a straightforward and secure approach to purchase digital currency with fiat. The XCH4NGE P2P platform interfaces you to other confirmed clients in the commercial center, while the industry-driving computerized resource security and encryption guards you.

XCH4NGE have conceded to giving an expert and elevated expectation platform to enhance the P2P commercial center. Time after time in crypto, it appears there is a basic absence of trustworthiness, and an ability to benefit from giving up client experience. They approach things in an unexpected way; they are intended to encourage quick exchanges dependably. XCH4NGE offer day in and day out live (human) support with straightforward benchmarks for reaction and goals times so the clients comprehend what's in store. The estimating structure is straightforward and aggressive, with no concealed expenses. Likewise have no pull back or store greatest/least sums, just those set by the separate blockchains.

XCH4NGE work with a main UK credit office to perform KYC confirmation on all clients, forestalling misrepresentation and illegal tax avoidance. This expels the duty of checking personality from the client, sparing occupied venders hours daily. Despite the fact that obscurity is an apparent advantage in the digital currency space, most platforms and built up merchants will at present require a visa or potentially picture ID. In contrast to contenders, approval procedure requests your data once, after which it is scrambled and safely put away under the control of the consistence officer. This oversees hazard and evacuates separation for new clients, which means no additional time or examination is fundamental when you're another client. This enables you to enter the crypto commercial center safely and with certainty. For anybody genuinely worried about their information security, the decision is clear.

The platform has additionally been intended to oblige upgrade ease of use, making it simple to use for newcomers who frantically need a client driven affair, just as the regular client who simply needs a solid, secure, and straightforward platform concentrated on pleasing their requirements. XCH4NGE is getting ready for the long haul in the advancement, intending to enable digital money clients to inevitably have the capacity to utilize crypto in their day by day lives as effectively as they do with the fiat cash. They are acquiring the e-cash permit, attempting to enable you to deal with your fiat reserves and crypto in one spot.

Their people group of clients is the principle need; in that capacity, will listen cautiously to assemble the best item for you. The company want to hear your musings about new coin postings, platform highlights and the sky is the limit from there, which will enable us to shape the eventual fate of XCH4NGE as well as digital currency in the UK. XCH4NGE have a lot more to impart to the locale throughout the following year - go along with us today and be a piece of the voyage.

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Author's Info:
Bitcointalk - Connect08 | Uniqueness 100%
My XRP Address: rsA8rKzZhdAoKDATLLcsGuygyJ1F9JtVqV

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