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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

How to quickly deal with stress?

Trading on cryptomarket is closely related to stress situations. A trader panics during sudden market movements, worries because of hastily closed deals and lose the deposit under the influence of emotions. We share several ways to instantly overcome stress, always soberly assess the situation and make rational decisions.


When a trader is nervous his body produces cortisol. Proper breathing improves blood flow and reduces this stress hormone rate in the blood. Here are some exercises.

Concentrate. First take a slow breath, counting to three. Then exhale slowly, continuing to count to six.

Relax. Inhale through your nose, hold your breath for five seconds, breathe out through your nose, and hold your breath again for five seconds. The time must always be equal. Do the exercise seven minutes a day.

Define what you can influence

In any stressful situation, there is something that you can influence and what happens regardless of your actions. We must take responsibility only for something we influence. Try to abstract from all the rest.

If you cannot influence something, do not think about it. You still can not do anything, and only spoil your mind with bad thoughts.

Make breaks

Traders live in a state of constant tension, and by the end of the day they feel empty and exhausted. In this state, the body is most vulnerable to stress.

Alternate intense work with rest. A classic example is the Pomodoro technique. Choose a convenient mode in which you are ready to work with intense loads and actively relax.

Good luck and profits!

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