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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

How we chose the exchange for ROBO listing

We have chosen the best option - an exchange with good liquidity, a high reputation, with simple registration and support in Russian. We will tell you what influenced our choice.

Deserved reputation of the exchange

To start trading with our token we did not consider a highly liquid exchange from TOP 10, we needed a reliable exchange with a long-term reputation and stable liquidity.

Yes, our goal is Binance, Bitfinex and Huobi but we are moving towards this goal gradually.

As a result, we chose an exchange that our partners and users respect as well as tens of thousands of users around the world.

Stability, safety and good liquidity

The exchange we selected is in the top 100 CoinMarketcap exchanges for daily trading and keeps this indicator consistently.

In addition, its 4-year history of trading and the fact that this exchange has never been subjected to serious hacker attacks shows its stability.

In case of any technical problems the exchange quickly restored.

And it has a very wide range of cryptocurrency traded as well as a lot of currency pairs with the dollar, which supports good liquidity on the exchange.

Technical compatibility

It was important to find an exchange that can be integrated into our terminal so that our users can trade a ROBO token directly from the CryptoRobotics terminal.

Therefore, we checked various options, tested the API connection and trading processes, and finally chose the one that suits us.

Multilingual support

When choosing an exchange multilingual support became an important criterion. It includes support in Russian because today a large part of our community is residents of Russia and the CIS.

Easy registration process

When registering you just need to enter your email and password, install protection system and you can already get to work without mandatory verification.

Hundreds of currencies and fiat supported

Another important point is Fiat support. We wanted users to deposit in rubles, dollars and euros, exchange them for cryptocurrencies and buy ROBO tokens.

We chose an exchange that can offer users interaction with e-wallets, withdrawing Fiat and deposit via bank cards.

Soon you will be able to study the information and approve our choice of the exchange for the first listing of ROBO.

Only a few days left before the start of trading with our token so in order not to miss the listing leave your contacts in the form and we will notify you first about this long-awaited event.


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