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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад



Darb opens a window on the world of cryptocurrency to all users so that they can be directly involved in various activities related to cryptocurrency trading. This platform will help business people, professional traders, technology experts, and the general public to be involved in the cryptocurrency trading market. His personal economic system will continue through the support of the role of his digital currency. Darb digital tokens will increase users’ interest to be involved in the blockchain market where all asset exchanges will be kept stable, measurable, and trusted. Digital assets will be stored in the Darb wallet and support multi-currency, so payments can be made easily using cryptocurrency. Payments can be made by card or only by confirming payment using fingerprints.

Darb has several functions that are supported for each user’s needs in conducting digital transactions. This platform provides exchange facilities between digital currencies and fiat currencies. This function is played by DARB Finance. Darb digital wallet has a multi-chain concept for cryptocurrency and tokens that will change the business for the better and at the same time make it easier for users to pay for their daily spending transactions using digital currencies. This platform has shown that its function is able to combine the role of fiat and digital currencies. Darb also provides portfolio management features and portfolio followers.


Darb is a platform powered by its own native token that will help people embrace and adopt blockchain market with stable, scalable and trusted exchange, and also a multi-currency wallet which allows paying for shopping with cryptocurrencies, by card or simply confirming payment with a fingerprint.

DARB Finance is a global, multilingual platform that combines the goodness of blockchain science while preserving the simplicity of conventional buying and selling and economic platforms. Acting as a bridge between applied sciences of two one of a kind eras, the platform is designed for speed, security, and scalability, successful of dealing with millions of transactions per second. Built on multi-cluster device architecture, DARB Finance sports activities a brand new matching engine that can manage as many as 3.7 million orders per second. It can handle a vary of cryptocurrencies, cope with fiat payment structures and additionally host ICOs for innovative, upcoming blockchain projects.


Present day cryptocurrency exchange platforms to create a dependable, reliable and an egalitarian customer base platform have actually led to a lots of things falling apart and the center very difficult to hold thus leading ugly developments like:

(1). Poor customer service

(2). Unsafe platform

(3). Poor language support

(4). Pocket application quality

(5). Learning curve.


The DARB platform solved some of the most serious problems that can be very important for the massive introduction of ecosystems and blockchain-based technologies.

Exchange — Darb Finance
There are additional platforms, carrier systems and programs to move on.

• Exchange architecture

• Appropriate mechanism

• Security

• Liquidity

• Low costs

• Demo account

• The best and most promising new available real estate

• Multi cryptocurrency

• Issue your individual token

• Spot trading

• ICO marketplace

• FIAT-CRYPTO transactions

• Changes in small quantities on ETH


(1). In Darb Finance, there is a swap system where crypto coins can be exchanged among themselves without exchanges. With this system, the users can change their token directly without any other tokens. In addition to eliminating commission fees, this system benefits users as time runs on the principles of lightning network.

(2). Combining traditional paper money systems and crypto infrastructure, Darb Finance enables users to buy crypto coins directly from their currencies. This integration, which will begin with a few key crypto currencies in the early days, will then reach 500 crypto currencies.

(3). With the blog feature in the system, users can easily follow the daily news. Thanks to the filter feature, users can easily filter the news on their areas of interest. Users who want to comment on any subject can vote. With this system, users can ask questions about the course of a project and find answers to these questions.

(4). Darb Finance, which values ​​its investors and wants to avoid the loss of value of tokens, has established its own dividend infrastructure. With this infrastructure, people can benefit from dividends up to 50% per month. In this case, people can only gain passive income even if they hold the token.

(5). Darb Finance, which aims to create a detailed system by leading traders, provides the benefit of other users to benefit from these successful users. Successful traders are ranked according to their daily transaction amount and earnings, allowing newcomers to apply for their information.


Stage ; is to provide a special space to exchange digital currencies with other types of currencies safely and stably which also allows exchange with fiat currencies.

Stage 2; is to show evidence of the implementation of trade.

Stage 3; is building a Darb multi-chain main line in the form of a mobile application in which there is access to the user’s digital wallet, portfolio management, and the exchange of digital assets. All of these functions will be directly connected to various systems.

Stage 4; is releasing payment features using digital and fiat currencies through a digital media.


Register on Darb

It won’t even take more than 30 seconds! Our registration process is super-fast and you can connect your account with Facebook or Google!

Make Trades

Darb knows that community is most important! That’s why the DARB economy is focused on users and work as incentive. Each trade mine DARB tokens, but trading is a game for two - that’s why the DARB tokens generated from trade will be distributed between you and your trade counterparty. The distribution ratio is 65% for MAKERs and 35% for TAKERs.

Get Your Share of Darb Revenue

After day full of trading, Darb system will calculate your revenue share and distribute your newly mined DARB tokens on daily basis. Darb platform shares between 35-50% of it’s revenue with the DARB owners. The revenue share is distributed in ETH each day. All mined coins participate in everyday distribution.


Each milestone of Proof of Trade enables additional features (like DARB-ETH trading pair on Milestone II) or increase the % of revenue share.

Advisory Board

Top 50 users who own the biggest amount of DARB tokens will be invited to private slack as Advisory Board and will help with evaluating new ideas and testing newly developed features as the first feedback loop. The board will be in close contact with DARB team. The list will be updated on a monthly basis.


The Architecture

Exchange systems need to be engineered from the ground up with security, stability, speed, and scalability in mind. Our team has been gaining experience and maintaining world-class financial systems that shape the economy up for decades.

Matching Engine

The matching engine is capable of sustaining 3,700,000 orders per second (where for example Visa have 1667 and MasterCard 5000+). That makes Darb Finance one of the fastest exchanges on the planet. You can be certain, that your orders will never be stuck due to the matching engine overload never again.


Darb Finance is built according to the highest standards, audited, and penetration tested. We know that security is not something that once granted will be provided. That is why we are ordering periodically pentest both from international corporations as well as from smaller, more geeky companies. We provide a high level of isolation between our services and granular access permissions for each of our app.

Fair, Low Fee (FLF)

Darb Finance is by far the cheapest exchange on the market. Moreover, fees decrease over volume, so you don't have to jump from platform to platform, we appreciate your time and input!
0.05% for Makers
0.2% for Takers

Demo Account

For users who want to try it first, we also have the solution. Set up a demo account, use provided demo-coins and learn best practices with our tutorial. It is safe and most of all it is the real market, it is your time to try trading without any stress.

24/365 Support

There are 8765 hours in a year, and each one is unique. Cryptomarkets are never saying stop, everything can happen, but feel safe, our professionally trained and dedicated staff will be available at any time, to answer your most difficult requests or solve any issues experienced on our platform.

Personal Token

For those who seek more tokenization, we suggest and provide issuing your own personal token in ERC20 standard. For a small fee, it can be listed on Darb Finance, so your followers could get your asset! To assure you are the only owner of the smart contract, Darb Finance transfers ownership over the smart contract to ethereum address provided by the user.


Every time commerce is achieved on the DARB platform, a reasonable contract represents the MAKER and TAKER DARB * tokens, based mainly on the number of transactions.

TAKER receives 35% of tokens from trade.
MAKER receives 65% of tokens from trade.

To ensure that tokens do not fall into hyperinflation, we use a similar technique that is recognized in cryptocurrency — increasing the problem of mining The more mature the platform, the fewer tokens it represents by the number of transactions.

As we strive to achieve long-term sustainability in our economy, PoT is primarily based on 7 other stages within the number of tokens to be mined, additional difficulties and useful properties that may be possible.


These days there are a large number of tokens on the crypto market however to be effective one must be valuable and special on tokens like Darb Token

Darb token gives the dealer a motivating force of sharing the income created by Darb Finance, on regular schedule. In addition, it's an ERC233 token on the Ethereum blockchain that is the best verified and stable adaptation of a token as of until now.

Darb token will be accessible in each Darb platform administration to give the motivating forces to all clients so as to find the platform highlights and what is no less significant that it will be tradeable with the pair to ETH!

200,000 000 DARB tokens will be issued as a motivation for the client base and as resources that will help deal with the improvement of the platform by its clients.


10/10/2018 Phase I

Launch the official platform.

Change DARB Finance is available.

12/14/2018 12:00 Phase II

Proof to start trading

REST API is available

01/01/2019 Phase II

Web pockets of the company are available.

Web portfolio of companies available

DARB Finance allows for the transfer of mud from cryptography to ETH.

Q1 2019, Phase III

Branded pockets of elegance available

Mobile program available on the DARB platform

DARB Academy starts

Q2 2019 Phase IV

Explore additional options for incorporating cryptocurrency and blockchain technology in recent cash services.

Combine the international cryptocurrency with the normal market FIAT

Get an EMI license

DARB Academy Strong Trend

Phase IV of the first quarter of 2020

Release Crypto and Fiat Terminals.


Darb will also help every user who has not been on the platform to get the benefits they did not get through other digital platforms. The application of this technology will facilitate the realization of an alert payment system, conduct voting, and optimize taxes.
Darb focuses on users and works incentives, what else are you waiting for! hory now and register @ Darb Tokens in less than 30 seconds and get the maximum benefit for early participation.


Website: https://darbfinance.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DARBFinance
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinanceDarb
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@darbfinance1
Reddit: https: //www.reddit.com/r/DarbFinance/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/darb-finance/
Telegram: https://t.me/DARBFinanceOfficial
Youtube: https://www.youtube .com / channel / UCa__sYzJUNsiOa47VPjYpRA view_as = subscriber?
Whitepaper: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XX8DxYjmyXUYPwb8Qxy_kFzRf3s0_edT3yeRChxKNAM/edit?usp=sharing


My Bitcointalk Name : psalmyblinks

My Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2522636

My ETH Address: 0x8cdb3c1607847b16db3b9666518179b7f0465440

0.443 GOLOS
На Golos с March 2019
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