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6 лет назад

Darcmatter - alternative investments

Hello dear readers and crypto world admirers! Today we're discussing alternative investments in the world of crypto. Regular investments is not a problem for the crypto investors, but the alternative ones are quite useful for earning. What is alternative investment? This is investment in irregular things and items. Basically, this is meant to be non-financial assets which now get really popular and natural (direct) investment.

Alternative investment aspects

The technology itself is not brand-new, but all the actions used to be done manually which in its turn made inconvenience. Darcmatter offers replacing all the investments in a certain automatic blockchain which is called NEM blockchain. The services of the blockchain have already been used by leading European banks, including Deutsche Bank and the leader of bank industry JP Morgan. The work on this platform will allow to overcome administrative and geografic barriers which are now the main problem for successful investments.

Darcmatter advantages

The platform developers had a number of goals that are to help the successful development of the whole alternative investment segment.
1. NEM blockchain technology provides the modern approach for transborder transactions.
2. Tracking of the transactions will be available in the new consenus protocol format.
3. Implementation of new classes and groups for alternative investment technology.
4. The platform is recognized as an upper structure of Fintech in a number of countries.
5. The participants of the ecosystem can see the whole industry turn upsude down and even influence it.
6. The PoI model evidence consenus is going to be an element of trust beetween the participants.

For the trust rising beetween investors the platform provides the unique chain of actions beetween all the participants. More than 1300 global crypto investors and 150 venture fonds are going to be attracted.

Token information

The work symbol for listing - DMC.
Total number of tokens - 1 billion DMC.
Binding standard - to XEM blockchain.
Public price - $0,2.
Maximum cap - $35 million.
Minimum cap - $5 million.

Token spreading fund

• SEO-team - 6%.
• Management reserving fund - 35%.
• Public auction - 50%.
• Project reserving fund - 5%.
• "White Angels" - 4$.

Pre-sales and public auction

The pre-sales stage went off in April-June 2018. Grosses - 20$ million.
ICO starts June, 15 and ends 06.30.18. Tokens on sale - 5$ million.

Approptiation of funds

• Researches and project developing - 49, 04$.
• Marketing and improving of the net structure - 15$.
• PR - 4$.
• Extra spendings - 15%.
• "While Angels" investments - 5%.
• Lawyers and legal support - 2$+3%.
• Borrowings, dividents and bonuses - 2,5%+2,96%+1,5%.


The project started in 2014, In 2015-2017 the sites were developed, venture funds and investors attracted. In 2018: start of blockchain NEM integration, alfa-launch in mobile and desktop versions. By the end of 2018 entry into the European market and integration into the new NEM blockchain standard.

The team

The founder and co-incorporator is Sang Lee, who was a forerunner in many digital technology spheres before. Besides, the team includes Natasha Bansgopaul (operating part), Konstantin Solodkiy - technical director. Total number of the team members is 9, plus 4 counsellors.


Dear friends! The alternative investment can be interested as for experienced traders, as well as for beginners. The NEM blockchain standard binding will allow to provide the high quality smart contract perfomance to launch additional master-nodes in the ecosystem. Investors get new technical opportunities which will help to improve the investment standards and get rid of the barriers which now exist.

Detailed information about the Darcmatter project is available on the following links:
Website: https://dmc.darcmatter.com/
Whitepaper: Whitepaper+(v2.5)_EN.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/DarcMatter
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2990067.0

Author of the article:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dkarpiki
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dima0785
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1839798
ETH-адрес: 0x519A448F7b1D9D9283367470c9128BD405EE31A3

0.114 GOLOS
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