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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


I welcome everyone to my channel, today I will tell you about the platform DarkMatter which holds an ICO. But first, a little about Alternative investments.


When an investor uses ordinary shares or bonds, including in foreign currency, especially given the positive correlation between countries in the world market, the achievement of a high level of diversification may be limited. It is for this purpose and there are non-traditional assets. Their presence can significantly reduce the level of correlation and the portfolio and the stock market as a whole, resulting in an increase in the expected level of profitability, providing the emergence of additional diversification. These assets are alternative investments

If we introduce a definition of alternative investments, these are investments in investment funds that are not limited to traditional assets (hedge funds, futures, venture capital) and certain investment assets (real estate and art). That is, the composition of tangible assets may include financial and tangible assets of a wide range. And the use of such assets in the formation of the investment portfolio can increase its profitability and the level of diversification, so its formation should play an important role. Also, they create a completely unique portfolio structure, qualitatively different from the traditional. 


But to date, this type of business has big disadvantages, such as lack of transparency and a huge number of scams. Fortunately, the company DarkMatter has already released a ready - made platform which is already used in more than 24 countries. 

DarkMatter - is the first decentralized global platform for the alternative investment industry. 

As I said, the platform is already working and allows investors around the world to access alternative Fund asset classes in a transparent and secure way. Work on the project began in 2014 and has already managed to unite more than 150 funds and 1,300 investors. 


The main factors that distinguish the DarkMatter platform: 

  • Transparency


No more invisible offline transactions, which will improve the relationship between all network members. 

  • Efficiency 


There will be no more conflicts between network members, as everyone will work through an impartial system of smart contracts. A huge plus is the lack of participation of various obscure intermediaries, working only through direct links between Fund managers and the investor community.  

  • Security 


Security has always been and will be the main factor of a successful business, this is the first question of the investor. And thanks to a decentralized system, we get the maximum security no one can take possession of your information or your funds. Security will also make all transactions more profitable, as it will attract a large number of new investors and reduce costs. 

Team :

This project did not exist, without their strong team which has a huge experience. The project team shows a high level of work, and their skills help not only to use the blockchain system, but also to make significant improvements. The team is made up of real experienced professionals who not only launched the platform but also gave the business a chance to develop without fear for the safety of information. The main factor of the platform's successful output was the introduction of blockchain technologies, which allowed to find a lot of good inverters and show the result. You can also get acquainted with each team member on the site, where their activities are well described, and we can see their partners. The team works clearly on the road map, which also demonstrates their strong qualities such as responsibility, discipline, and punctuality. 


ICO Details :

  • Start Crowdsale on June 15 and will last until June 30, 2018
  • Name of the token - DMC
  • Type of token - XEM
  • The price of the token is 1 DMC = $ 0.2
  • Platform - NEM
  • Softcap - $ 5,000,000
  • Hardcap - $ 35,000,000
  • Payment - BTC, ETH, XEM


Conclusion : 

Alternative investments have huge potential, and good returns, but centralized markets have been very impractical, and so this type of business has not realized itself 100 percent, but thanks to DarcMatter, this market can be reborn thanks to the NEM blockchain that sets it apart from its predecessors. And collected by the company Hard Cap says that I agree with the majority of major investors.  


                       | Official website | White paper | Telegram | Bitcointalk ANN

                                                       | Bitcointalk author |

This publication is informational in nature. The article should not be seen as an investment recommendation or advice. Readers of this review article must make decisions based on their own judgments, taking into account financial circumstances, investment objectives and the risk limit before investing funds.
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