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6 лет назад




Internet of Things (IoT) - today this term can be heard almost at every step. "Internet of Things" (IoT) is a wired or wireless network connecting devices that have standalone support and are fully managed by an intelligent system.
The Internet of things "came into being" somewhere in the gap between 2008 and 2009.
Today, the Internet of things consists of loosely connected disparate networks, each of which has been deployed to solve its specific tasks.
The project, which we will study today, is aimed at becoming a large and significant part of the IoT ecosystem.
The project, which we will study today, is aimed at becoming a large and significant part of the IoT ecosystem.

DataBoroker is a decentralized data market, which is the first supplier of IoT sensors. Owners of such sensors on the DAO platform will be able to convert the generated data into streaming revenue, and also to sell data in a simple, transparent and efficient way. In a sense, DAO DataBroker can be compared to a "secondary market" for IoT sensor data, such as Amazon.

To date, there are already more than 9 billion IoT sensors that perform various functions, covering the whole world. More than $ 600 billion was spent on their purchase and installation of IoT sensors. However, the net value of all the data they collect is priceless, but the problem is that most of it is not available to all potentially interested parties.


DataBroker DAO solves this problem by using peer-to-peer networks for IoT sensor data, also using blockchain technology and DATA tokens as a payment tool.

In the below diagram, the principle of the Job DataBroKer DAO is presented.


Let's go deep into the concept of solving this problem

And so, one of the main reasons why the DataBroker DAO project was developed and started is the fact that there is a process of connecting IoT sensors owners to the buyers of their data, who want to get direct access to hard-to-access and previously inaccessible data. Also, all current owners and manufacturers of sensors are provided with direct access to monetization of these sensors, on the one hand, and on the other hand, provides entrepreneurs, researchers, smart cities and other data consumers with access to data that are now blocked in organizational silos.

To unblock silos, there is integration with existing networks that act as information transfer lines for the massive market of IoT sensors.

The achievement of DataBroker is that the project created the DAO Alliance

For several months, the team has been uniting the interested parties, selling or purchasing IoT data. The list already has big and important names, and in the future it is expected that ALLIANCE will become the central base.


For more information about the project, I suggest you visit the following links, there is more information from the first mouth:
About team members: https://databrokerdao.com/#team
Medium news: https://medium.com/databrokerdao

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